Update: dKargo DKA Token Distribution | 8th December 2020

dKargo Official Blog
2 min readDec 8, 2020

This posting is to share with you the updates on dKargo’s DKA token distribution schedule.

Firstly, as all the private investors participated in the staking program, a total 100,000,000 DKA which were supposed to be a part of the circulating supply have been staying staked for 3 months starting from Sept. 2020 to Nov. 2020.

Circulating supply hasn’t changed during this period. Below is the DKA distribution schedule for the next 7 months. The previous token distribution schedule can be found in the link provided.

dKargo DKA Token Distribution Update

The above table shows the DKA distribution schedule during the period of 7 months starting from December. Distribution amount includes investors, partners, marketing, team, and advisor, and the amount allocated for the demand survey event participants. we expect the actual distribution amount will be less than the numbers above since it is calculated based on the maximum possible amount in circulation.

Thank you.



dKargo Official Blog

A Decentralized and Cooperative Protocol for Next Generation Logistics — https://dkargo.io