Meet the Woman Behind Every Product Release

A chat with our Release & Quality Manager, Inggi Puri Kencana Dewi, on ensuring seamless releases at DKatalis.

6 min readMay 3, 2023


Releasing a new product or feature can be a nerve-racking experience for any customer-facing tech company. One reckless decision could spell disaster to their existing products and, worst, reputation.

Hence, comes a need for someone to manage and ensure that each feature and product release can be executed without a hitch in a timely manner. It’s a daunting task, but one that Inggi Puri Kencana Dewi, a seasoned Release & Quality Manager at DKatalis, tackles head-on with excitement and integrity.

After her first encounter with the internet and technology in high school, she was immediately captivated by its fun and exciting potential. As part of a generation that witnessed the evolution of technology, from black and white DOS screens to the full-fledged graphic interfaces of today, Inggi knew she wanted to be part of tech-driven changes and advancements. With more than a decade of experience in testing and quality engineering, Inggi’s passion for this field continues to burn bright. Tinkering with new tools and creating new test automation frameworks excites her, and she knows it’s a field worth studying and experimenting with in the long run.

We recently sat down with her to delve into her life as a Katalis who ensures that all product and feature releases go as smoothly as possible and what it means to do Quality Engineering.

You have experience working in different fields such as transportation, FMCG, and now digital banking. What attracted you to the field, and how did you navigate the early challenges?

Inggi Dewi (ID): I wanted to work on a product that I could personally use, and I couldn’t do that in my previous companies. Additionally, I have always been interested in the financial industry, so when I saw the opportunity at DKatalis, I knew I had to grab it. The most challenging part in my early days was team alignment since my role was primarily an individual contributor. My main focus is aligning with various teams, as different teams have varying needs during a release. One microservice can be utilized by multiple teams at once, so I have to facilitate each team’s unique requirements and ensure they are met without clashings.

While transitioning to this role, I encountered some bumps along the way, but nothing I couldn’t handle. The key was to proactively sync up with other teams and ensure everyone knew that I was now in charge of this role and to share what they needed from me. It was also important to communicate and ask for help when needed. If you don’t ask, they may not realize that you require assistance.

Then, make friends in the company! When people know you better, they are more likely to be open and willing to help and discuss things with you.

Credit: Inggi Dewi

When people know you better, they are more likely to be open and willing to help and discuss things with you.

What does your day as a Release & Quality manager look like?

ID: My main responsibility is to oversee the end-to-end release process, identify bottlenecks, and come up with solutions for improvement. Once we’ve identified the problem and have a plan in place, we implement changes, either manually or through automation.

Managing the release process also involves various tasks, including ensuring that all released features are of good quality, with no significant issues during production and after the release. As each team might not be aware of the entire progress, I am also communicating the progress of each project release, such as informing whether the Quality Engineers have conducted tests. In production, it’s important to keep up with the agreed timeline, and even when there are delays, I have to make sure that we still meet the product’s time to market.

When we encounter problems during the process, I take notes and analyze them later to identify areas for improvement. We then create a plan and implement it accordingly.

Although the release process can be hectic, there are times when things slow down, and I use that opportunity to research and evangelize new procedures or automation tools, ensuring that everyone understands and is on the same page. In doing my responsibilities, I make it a priority to maintain a timely schedule and actively offer support when faced with challenges.

DKatalis puts technical excellence in high regard. How do you implement it in release and quality management?

ID: It’s important to ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of the quality of each release, whether it is good or bad. By anticipating issues and mitigating them proactively, we can avoid any unwanted surprises during production or after each release. Since we also use automation, I have to make sure that the tools are easy to use and have a good learning curve. We understand that if the tools are difficult to use, people may struggle and not use them in the end. In addition, we focus on building a solid foundation through good architecture, which is crucial to avoid struggles during refactoring.

What do you think makes a good Quality Engineer, based on your experience?

ID: I prefer individuals with strong analytical skills who can manipulate statements and create numerous test cases. It is also crucial that they have basic programming skills so that they can read and understand code. I particularly appreciate curious individuals, as we only need to provide them with project goals and some hints, and they will find ways to achieve them. There’s no need to micromanage at all.

It’s been one year since you joined DKatalis! Any memorable moments?

ID: Despite not having a team to lead, I had the opportunity to work with two interns last year. Together, we built a test automation framework from scratch that is still being used today! At first, I had low expectations because the interns were new to the field and had no prior experience with testing tools or processes. However, their curiosity and proactive attitude led to successful project execution. We designed the framework’s architecture, identified necessary features, planned ways to make implementation easy for Engineers and Quality Engineers, and conducted a proof of concept. It was really exciting!

What do you enjoy the most about being a Katalis?

ID: I really appreciate the work-from-anywhere (WFA) policy and the friendly people at DKatalis. Even though most of our interactions are online, when we do get the chance to meet in person, it feels like we’ve known each other for a long time.

Then, being responsible for speaking and aligning with other teams has significantly improved my communication skills. In terms of technical skills, my first experience handling back-end releases has greatly increased my knowledge in that field, including infrastructure as well. So there is growth in both soft skills and technical skills alike.

How would you describe DKatalis in 3 words?

ID: Flexible, fun, and friendly environment.

If you’re a curious and passionate individual who values integrity in the development of high-quality digital products, join us! We’re hiring.




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