i picked my blister

Dielle Lundberg
DL’s Flash Poems
Published in
1 min readSep 3, 2024

09.03.2023. flash poem

i have a blood blister on my left foot;
it’s healing but still oozes a lot.
others have broken open and gone,
but this one that i picked has stayed.

i would not have picked at it
if i hadn’t been staring into it.
it looked like it would help it to heal
and ease the sharpness of the pain.

but my finger nail, with force,
turned it into not just a blister
but a blister inside a blood blister.

it’s good to take an active role
when it comes to your healing,
but there are times when you can
get in the way of its natural course,
especially if you try to rush it.

i picked another blister,
and it went away the next day.

i guess how we heal
is not always uniform.

i think my brain got blistered a while ago.
what happened there, i can’t always see,
so it’s harder to know which blisters i picked,
which ones are already healed,
which ones are still oozing.

how is my brain doing these days?
it feels a lot better.
i could run into the street and yell:
“i’m better!!!”
but i imagine that is the sort of thing
that picks at brain blisters.

i was programmed to move fast;
but healing seems to be a slower motion.

i gotta keep healing slow.
i want to keep healing slow.
i’m healing slow.



Dielle Lundberg
DL’s Flash Poems

Public health writer and multi-media artist exploring structural ableism, disability, and health care — along with life's many other topics