patience and faith

Dielle Lundberg
DL’s Flash Poems
Published in
1 min readSep 6, 2024

09.05.2024. flash poem

i’ve fallen for a number of scams in my day,
get something quick, shortcuts.
and while you can of course blame the scammer,
it is also good to take a harder look at yourself.

people who are the real deal will make you wait,
to see who you are and if you can practice patience.

for me, patience has a lot to do with faith,
that god has beautiful things planned
and will help me uncover them day by day.

patience isn’t sitting in bed for me.
patience is being authentic every day,
honest about what i’m searching for…
and taking little steps towards it as i can…

real love,
true connections,
healthier ways of living,
meaningful improvements to the world.

none of those things happen overnight,
and if they did, they would probably be fakes.

i am a girl who can be patient…
for the real thing.



Dielle Lundberg
DL’s Flash Poems

Public health writer and multi-media artist exploring structural ableism, disability, and health care — along with life's many other topics