Green Batters steals the victory against UST

Ralph Joash Bulotano
DLSU Sports
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2024

The De La Salle University (DLSU) Green Batters (7–3) emerged victorious in their thrilling match against the University of Santo Tomas (UST) Golden Sox (4–6), with the score of 10–9 earlier today at the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman Baseball Field.

It was JM Segui who became the Green Batters’ player of the game as he delivered the game’s key hit and field, giving the team a two-game lead heading into the UAAP Season 86 Baseball Tournament Final Four.

It was a slow start for the Green Batters as UST dominated the first two innings of the game with the score of 0–4 and 0–5 respectively almost pulling off an upset to secure a spot in the Final Four.

As the game went on, the Green Batters slowly regained momentum as the likes of Agon De Vera, Captain Vince Flores, and Joshua Pineda started bringing the intensity in the succeeding innings. Moving towards the 8th inning, the Green Batters finally took the lead with the score of 8–6 showcasing why they are the defending champions over the past two seasons. It was at this moment that the Golden Sox felt that the pressure was against them as they committed countless errors and ten bases on balls given. Despite this, the Golden Sox were still able to tie the game in the 9th inning, 8–8 making it the climax of the game as both teams aimed for a spot in the Final Four.

In the climactic culmination of the game’s tense atmosphere, amidst the heightened stakes of the 10th inning, Senior centerfield Segui emerged as a pivotal figure. With the weight of expectancy apparent in the air, Segui was spurred by a burst of determination to take the opportunity and help lead the Green and White to victory. As the tension reached its peak, the senior expertly connected with the ball, driving it with accuracy and purpose into the center of the field. In that brief second, the game’s fate was in the balance.

With exquisite talent and steady focus, Segui’s decisive action sent teammate Ezykiel Bautista crashing toward home plate, putting the winning run within reach for the Green Batters. This thrilling play not only sealed the win for La Salle but also demonstrated Segui’s leadership and clutch skill under pressure.

Continue to support the Green Batters in the upcoming UAAP Season 86 Baseball Semifinals as they aim to keep the top spot and reach the Finals.

