Green Spikers prevail over UST in five thrilling sets of Finals Game 1

Gianne Bryant Mikhail Buscayno
DLSU Sports
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2023

The De La Salle University (DLSU) Green Spikers prevailed over the University of Santo Tomas (UST) Golden Spikers, in five thrilling sets, 25–21, 16–25, 25–21, 22–25, 15–8, earlier today at the Paco Arena. This result clinched La Salle’s first win in the Best-of-Three Finals Series for the VLeague Collegiate Challenge Campaign.

Player of the Game (POG) was awarded to Team Captain JM Ronquillo after garnering 19 total points in the victory.

Set 1 started slow for the Green Spikers after an attack error by Ronquillo, but was quickly answered back by Noel Kampton, 1-all. After an exchange of points and back-to-back errors by the Golden Spikers, La Salle now had the upper hand entering the first technical timeout (TTO), 8–7. The Green Spikers’ lead extended after a joint effort by Nathan Del Pilar and Kampton, 15–13. With another series of exchanges and a UST lead, Eric Layug’s determination allowed La Salle to gain the lead again after a killer block as they entered a timeout, 20–19. The boys in green had the momentum towards the end of the set allowing them to get the set point, 24–20, before Kapitan Ronquillo ended the set with a combination play, 25–20.

Much like the first set, it was a slow start for the Taft-based squad after an attack by UST went through the block, 0–1. With UST in the lead, Vince Maglinao’s attack was challenged for a block touch and was deemed unsuccessful, 2–4. Then the Green Spikers slowly gained momentum, courtesy of a block on John Dedoroy’s attack bringing the game to 6-all. La Salle challenged for a possible net touch by UST but was unsuccessful, 8–10. Kampton stopped the bleeding with a cross-court attack, cutting down the Golden Spikers’ lead to three, 9–12. Josh Ybañez’s attacks were too strong for the Green Spikers as these brought the lead to six, 14–20. With UST now at set point, a Ronquillo spike attempted to extend the set but was quickly overshadowed as it was denied, allowing UST to gain the set 16–25.

The Green Spikers quickly made work in the third set by taking advantage of the service error of UST followed by back-to-back attacks by Ronquillo, 3–0. Even with an early momentum for La Salle, UST still took the lead as the teams entered the first technical timeout of the set, 6–8. La Salle was then forced to enter another timeout after having a four-point disadvantage, 7–11. With Ronquillo and Kampton’s joint efforts, the Taft-based squad slowly came back after a series of points by UST, 11–14. Then the Green Spikers’ team efforts cut the lead to 18-all. Led by Kampton, La Salle, then gained the upper hand as they entered a timeout with a two-point advantage, 22–20. A UST service error brought the Green Spikers to set point before Ronquillo eventually ended the set with a powerful attack, allowing the Taft-based squad to gain a two-set advantage, 25–21.

It was yet again another slow start for the Green Spikers in the fourth set after back-to-back points by UST, 0–2. However, La Salle quickly came back on their feet after a service ace by Layug to close down the score to a tie, 3-all. During the first technical timeout, the Green Spikers were down by three, 5–8. Ronquillo and Kampton’s attacks were too strong for UST, tying the score, 9-all, before a UST unforced error gave them the lead, 10–9. La Salle entered another timeout after a Kampton service ace, 12–10. After a series of sequences, Kampton brought back the score to equilibrium after an attack, 17-all. UST’s dominance once again showed as Ybañez gave UST the set point followed by a Jules De Jesus service error, extending the match to five sets, 22–25.

The Taft-based squad quickly asserted dominance after a Kampton and Vince Maglinao attack to gain the advantage in the fifth set, 4–2. UST called for a net touch challenge on DLSU and was deemed successful, but the Green Spikers then called for an antenna touch challenge but were unsuccessful, 6–4. La Salle then maintained the lead until the prompted change of court, 8–6. UST once again challenged for another net touch violation but was unsuccessful, 9–6. Back-to-back attacks from Kampton then showed the dominance of the Green and White, prompting UST to call for a timeout, 13–6. From there, Kampton continued to be a scoring machine for La Salle with an off-the-block giving them match point, 14–6, the Green Spikers eventually closed out the match with a victory, 15–8.

The Green Spikers will aim to emerge as Champions of the tournament as in Game 2 of the Finals as they face the UST Golden Spikers once again, this Friday, September 29, 4 PM, at the same venue.

Set scores: 25–21, 16–25, 25–21, 22–25, 15–8

Box Scores:

DLSU 3— Kampton 23, Ronquillo 19, Maglinao 13, Del Pilar 7, Layug 4, Mendoza 2, Guerrero (L) 0

UST 2— Ybañez 23, De Vega 19, Edlyn Colinares 11, Flor 9, Dedoroy 4, Yambao 3, Catap 2, Ennius Colinares 1, Prudenciado (L) 0

