How to use TLS to enable secure communications between the Hyperledger Fabric Network & Client

KNNX Corp.
KNNX Corp.
Published in
5 min readJul 19, 2021


How to use TLS to enable secure communications between the Hyperledger Fabric Network & Client

Hyperledger Fabric is a decentralized private blockchain platform. Typically, we use the provided Fabric Client SDK to interact with the Fabric network. If we want the communication between these two to be secure, we can use the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol.


Why is TLS required in a Fabric network?

The main purpose of TLS is to provide secure communication between two parties which includes endpoint authentication, ensuring one is talking to the right party and with correct message encryption. It helps in the following common operations which occur between the Fabric client and Fabric network.

  • Client requests endorsement from peers
  • The client submits endorsed transactions to the orderer.
  • Client requests for registering users in Fabric CA (Certificate Authority) Server.

In this blog, I will be showing how TLS is configured in the Fabric network (using the 1.4 version of the platform) and how to enable TLS communication between the Fabric client and Fabric…



KNNX Corp.
KNNX Corp.

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