Venture capitalism: how to get in and get on

Taos Edmondson
dmg ventures
Published in
15 min readJun 29, 2023
Source: EY

It’s almost 5 years since I set foot in the world of venture capitalism (VC). In VC years (given the industry’s infancy), I’m middle aged. An intern even said to me, with no hint of irony, that I was too old to go in Joe & The Juice. And that was 2 years ago when I was a sprightly 26!

Given my newfound role as an elder statesman, I’m increasingly asked by aspring VCs how to make it in VC. Here, I lay out a blueprint for breaking into VC and how to crush it in your first 5 years. Disclaimer: this blueprint is in no way reflective of my career path — do as I say, not as I do!

🧩 Is VC a career worth pursuing?

Getting into VC is harder than ever. Though the UK VC industry is growing, there are probably still only a few hundred UK VCs, and the pool of people wanting to break into that group is growing at a staggering rate. This is largely thanks to the glamorous portrayal of VCs, and the start-up ecosystem more broadly, in mainstream media. Even the start-up horror stories are dramatised in a glitzy way.

VC has become the promised land, both for ambitious young graduates and those who’ve been plying their trade elsewhere for a few years.

Source: Voxy

Whilst VC isn’t the glamour-fest you might think, I have to admit that I genuinely love what I do and so do many of my peers at other funds in the UK and elsewhere. There is a palpable sense of enjoyment and excitement that is not commonplace in the vast majority of industries.

It’s sociable, creative, inspiring, dynamic, varied and stimulating. Yes, it has its pain points, as every job does, but it’s wonderful. I’m very lucky to have fallen into it.

As great as the job itself is, VC has a diversity problem. It’s still dominated by privilege. Many VC hires, even entry level positions, are sourced via personal networks. My hope, with this blog, is to make a tiny contribution to levelling the playing field when it comes to getting in and getting on in VC.

🗝️ Setting yourself up for success in the VC job market

There are a number of variables to consider here. Firstly, the vast majority of VC funds will only want to hire people with 1–2 years’ experience for analyst and associate positions, although graduate hires are not unheard of.

In either scenario, you have to show some interest in the start-up world. Some experience in a start-up is ideal. Else, some crowdfund investing (you can do this from £10!) or personal entrepreneurial experience, for example. However small it looks on paper, you just need a crumb of evidence of your interest in start-ups.

Historically, European and US VC funds have taken a wildly different approach to ‘junior’ hires (I hate this terminology but I will use it here as shorthand for roles which require less than 3 years’ experience). European VCs have hired bankers and consultants, whilst US funds are know for plucking people from ‘operational’ roles (typically, in a start-up or big tech company). Thankfully, the US approach is slowly permeating European VC funds.

Yes, bankers and consultants are likely to be intelligent and prepared to work their asses off. However, the skillset of bankers and consultants doesn’t lend itself to VC, in my opinion. If I was hiring for a fund, the main thing I would be looking for is a demonstrable interest in, and experience of, start-ups.

I was originally hired into VC from private equity (PE), so benefitted from the old school of thought, but I think it’s absolute rubbish. The technical parts of being a VC are limited and are best learned on the job. I apply very little of my technical skills from PE on a day-to-day basis. If you’re set on one of banking or consultancy, I’d argue that consultancy is marginally more relevant for a future career in VC. Bankers apply a very different lens to looking at companies which can be hard to dislodge when transitioning into a VC role.

If I was back in university, I’d be looking to join a start-up upon graduating. Given the small teams and fast-paced environments, start-ups are an incredible training ground for budding VCs. Beware though, many start-ups are loss-making and have to raise money every 12–24 months to keep the lights on. Job security can be at a premium. The best way to negate this is to monitor fundraise announcements (in industry publications like Maddyness and Sifted) and reach out to start-ups which have just raised.

It’s still helpful to have a logo on your CV. Applying to slightly better-known start-ups (likely to have raised a Series A round or later as opposed to seed) is a good solution here. These start-ups will also likely pay slightly better and have a bit more job security.

As you’re readying yourself to apply to VC roles, start to think about what type of VC fund you’d be best suited to (in terms of stage, sector, etc.) and how you could offer unique insight to that type of fund. Unique insight comes from your experience and / or interests. For instance, you might be a big gamer or you might work for an AI start-up. Though you want to have an area in mind that you’re passionate about, it’s also best to avoid pigeon holing yourself too much. You still want to present yourself as a good generalist.

You should also start building a little bit of a network. Network-building is one of those things which is tricky to kick-start but becomes easier the more your network grows.

Building a vast network is improbable whilst holding down a full time job where networking isn’t a core part of your role (unlike in VC where it is a must). Aim to get to know a handful of relevant people at this stage, preferably VCs. VCs are often the first to hear when other funds are recruiting and can give you the inside track on how to approach hiring processes.

The best way to seed this VC network is to message a few relevant VC analysts and associates on LinkedIn, as well as attend a few industry events, such as start-up pitching events. Though the quality of events varies significantly, you’ll quickly figure out which are worth attending. These events are fairly easy to find online.

👋 You’re ready to apply to VC funds…what next?

Firstly, a VC job hunt can be incredibly frustrating. Jobs are few and far between and competition fierce. It’s even tougher if you’re looking for a fund which specialises in a specific sector. Although you could find something straight away, be prepared to slug it out for a year or two before the right thing comes up!

To find roles, follow VC funds you’re interested in on LinkedIn, monitor industry publications for new fund announcements (firms will often hire after they’ve raised a new fund) and speak to the VCs you’ve built a relationship with. Some funds will also use recruiters, of which there are a handful which specialise in the VC space (e.g., Agora Talent hires for a number of consumer VC funds). Good old Google can work on the odd occasion as well — that’s how I found the role at dmg ventures!

Every junior role in VC will attract hundreds, if not thousands, of applicants. Your application has to stand out within a matter of seconds. Your CV should be one side of A4. Your prose concise. Draw attention to what makes you interesting, your real life experiences and why you can bring something different to the table.

If you’re asked for something beyond the CV, employ similar concision and colour. Be confident, but don’t try to be something you’re not and don’t overstate how much you know. VCs have to be humble and hungry to learn.

Once you’ve secured an interview, there are three areas you should be prepared to elaborate on.

  1. Why you?
  2. Why VC?
  3. Why the fund?

All your answers should be tailored to the specific fund and person you’re speaking with.

Even though you’ll likely cover the areas in the order above in the interview, I’d advise preparing for them in reverse, as your knowledge of the fund (and interviewer) will influence how you tackle the other areas.

Here, check out the LinkedIn profile of the interviewer and the fund’s website, which should give you more info on the wider team, investment strategy and portfolio companies. Also, look for pieces of content put out by the fund and its team (dmg venturesMedium page, for example), as well as news coverage. This will help you get under the hood of the fund’s approach to start-up investing.

Next, think about why you want to get into VC. Make sure you understand how VC works at a high level, for example, the basic economics of a VC fund and a VC’s key responsibilities. You won’t expected be to be well-versed in VC jargon, but you may want to check out my glossary of terms to be on the safe side. Then, note down what makes you excited about a career in VC. Particularly, why you’re interested in working with start-ups and their founders.

Finally, break down what you can offer. Prepare your own potted history, placing emphasis on the bits which are most pertinent to the fund in question. Jot down your strengths, and how these can be applied to a role in VC, as well as your development areas, and how you’re working on these already and could be honed further as a VC.

Then you also want to cover your interest in start-ups and new technologies. Pick out one or two trends, sectors and start-ups which are of interest to you. You don’t need deep knowledge at this stage, just a high level view. Ideally, relate these back to one or two of the fund’s recent investments and their investment strategy more broadly.

Finally, throughout the interview, try to be conversational. Engage in a little bit of small talk at the start; this relaxes the mood and also shows that you are interested in the interviewer as a person and not just as a means to an end. You should also naturally slip in your own questions throughout the conversation. This ensures a constant two-way dialogue rather than a transactional ‘you go, then I go’ format.

After the first meeting, you’ll then likely have similar interviews with a few other team members, as well as a case study exercise. Case studies tend to consist of identifying a company, or being given a company, to conduct due diligence on, arriving at a decision and then talking through your findings with a member of the fund’s team. These can either take place at the fund’s office, where you might have a few hours to complete the exercise, or you may be given a few days to work through it at home.

There are a few things I’d recommend doing here:

  1. Pay close attention to the fund’s investment strategy and whether the start-up in questions fits into that strategy, as well as the start-up’s standalone attributes
  2. Seek advice from anyone you know in VC on how they structure investment memos and the information to include (also, plenty of online resources here)
  3. Be comfortable with leaving gaps where there is no publicly available information, but flag the areas where you’d like to carry out further due diligence

📝 You’ve received an offer…but do you take it?

9/10 times…yes!

Even if the job offer isn’t perfect (e.g., the fund’s investment strategy isn’t a perfect fit for your interests or the pay is slightly below what you’re looking for), I’d advise taking it in most cases (depending on other hiring processes you’re part of, of course). Do sleep on it though, you shouldn’t be pressured into making a decision instantaneously.

Getting your foot in the VC door is incredibly important. It significantly increases your chances of getting other VC jobs later down the line. VCs often like to hire people who are tried-and-tested at other funds, especially for more senior roles.

Source: VC Starter Kit

🚦 Years 0–1

In your first year in VC, you should focus on three things.

  1. Build a broad network — attend lots of events to scale your network quickly. You will sign up to some terrible events which are a waste of time, but this is all part of the process. Within c.6 months, you’ll figure out which events are worth going to and not. Don’t worry too much about the depth of relationships at this stage, focus on breadth. You can also try connecting with other VC analysts and associates on LinkedIn, but you might not always get a response. The bigger your network grows, the easier it becomes to keep expanding it. When you meet another VC or angel investor, ask them whether they can introduce you to any other investors. Your network will be your #1 asset as a VC in the long run
  2. Develop a sourcing strategy — map out your different sourcing channels (VC referrals, events, deep dives, outbound, etc.) and try them all out. Some will have a shorter lead time than others. Each week, make a note of roughly how much time you’re spending on each. Your fund’s CRM should enable you to track the quantity and quality of opportunities that each channel is yielding. After 6 months and 12 months, sit down to assess which channels are working for you and which aren’t, and adjust your focus accordingly
  3. Learn the ropes of commercial due diligence — commercial due diligence is the analysis you carry out on a start-up up to the point where you’re negotiating on legals and carrying out legal / compliance due diligence (checking out the company’s insurance policies, employment contracts, etc.). First, you should walk through commercial due diligence with a few colleagues to see how they approach it. In what order do they do things, what areas do they cover, do they draw upon any specific datasets, how do they request information from founders, etc.? Also, ask them how they manage the decision-making mechanism in terms of engaging members of the investment committee at different points of due diligence. Aim to be able to carry out commercial due diligence, with some oversight from a senior colleague, after 12 months
Source: Google

📈 Years 1–3

Your emphasis should change subtly after your first year as a VC. Your new set of priorities should be as follows:

  1. Round out your VC skillset — you’ve got comfortable with commercial due diligence in your first year. The next thing to do is gain exposure to term sheets, and then the long form investment documents (notably, the Subscription Agreement, Shareholders’ Agreement, Articles, Disclosure Letter), which are extrapolated from the term sheet. Ask one of your colleagues to run you through the core tenets of a term sheet and the long form documents. You should also read the seminal text ‘Venture Deals’ which gives a brilliant overview of term sheets and beyond, though with a US slant. Get into a habit of reading the legal documents for every investment made by your fund. This will give you context on what sections to focus on, and what is market standard. Slowly, start to make comments on documents, alongside a colleague (plus your fund’s lawyers who will also be reviewing the long form documents). Eventually, you’ll feel ready to lead the legal negotiation, with support from lawyers on the long form documents. Simultaneously, you should go through a similar journey with legal due diligence and get comfortable with leading it (with support from legal counsel, if required). No part of a VC’s job is rocket science; you should have a good grasp of all technical elements within three years, at which point, the technical side of the role becomes table stakes
  2. Reshape your networking efforts — whilst you’re forging a broad network in your first year, start to think about which fellow VCs you get on with best and which see the most interesting and relevant investment opportunities. Earmark 4–5 other VCs to build deep relationships with and get to know them on a personal level. Engage with these 4–5 people on at least a weekly basis. Between them, they should see every relevant investment opportunity. Your aim is to be top of mind for these people, so they send investment opportunities to you. It’s far better to be top of mind for a handful of people than bottom of the pile for hundreds. It’s also nice to have people you know on a more personal level to discuss all manner of things with and support each other as you work your ways up the VC ladder. Maintain your broader network, but engage with these people less frequently and potentially look to productise elements of your relationship with them (e.g., automatically send investment opportunities in a specific sector to this group of VCs). Also, be more selective about events; they can be a very inefficient use of time if your network is already somewhat established
  3. Enter, the side hustle — look to build something outside your day-to-day responsibilities, whether that’s through your fund or not. This could be some investor drinks, a blog, a meetup for founders in a specific sector, a podcast (although this one is very well-trodden), etc.. Mine was setting up Focal with Hector. Doing something like this can become your USP as you work your way up the VC ladder, and can also be a launchpad for growing your personal brand. Personal brand is a very important currency in VC, as it enables you to get into the hottest funding rounds

🔥 Years 3–5

  1. Grow your personal brand — hopefully, you’ve managed to establish the beginnings of a personal brand in years 1–3. Start to scale this from year 3 onwards. Ideas here include taking speaking slots where you can get them, writing frequently on LinkedIn and building relationships with sector-specialist journalists so they come to you for input on various topics. You will see a compounding effect; the more you do, the easier it will become to do more
  2. Seed an LP network — there’s always more to learn, but you’re now comfortable with all the components of start-up investing. However, you need to actually have capital to invest in the first place. Welcome, the Limited Partner (LP). LPs come in all shapes and sizes (endowments, HNWIs, pension funds, fund of funds, etc.) and invest in VC funds. As you start to become a more senior VC, the onus will increasingly be on you to raise money from LPs. Start building out a network early, even if you’re not fundraising right now. Many LPs like to build a relationship with funds over several years prior to investing
  3. Impart your learnings on others — look to advise budding investors and start-ups, both formally and informally. In terms of start-ups, push to represent your fund as a board director or observer with one or two portfolio companies. Typically, you’ll cut your teeth with a few observer seats before moving on to director positions. You can also look to support a few start-ups in your own time, normally with fundraising. Mentoring younger VCs, or those wishing to become VCs, can also be a good way to grow as a leader within your fund and augment your own learning
Source: LinkedIn

🖋️ Summing up

If I was to start my VC career again, this is how I would try to go about it. Of course, everyone takes different paths, but there are one or two building blocks which should engender success as you try to get in and get on in VC.

Getting into the industry in the first place requires a degree of luck, given the imbalance of supply and demand, but you can improve your chances. Do this by building a small network, following relevant VC funds and being engaged with start-ups in some capacity.

Once you’re in, aim to master the technical side of the role within 3 years. Where you will stand out in the long term is through your network and personal brand. Aim for a broad network initially, and then create deep relationships with a small group. After a few years, think about a side hustle to stand out from the crowd!

Before you go…

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Taos Edmondson
dmg ventures

Consumer sector VC and operator. Stoke City sufferer. Focal founder.