Daily Report — Friday, February 3, 2017

dmg report
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2017
  1. Trump orders review of Dodd-Frank financial regulations. He seeks to reverse restrictions placed on banks after the 2008 collapse. [LA Times]
  2. Sean Spicer claims the Dodd-Frank act kept the stock market from performing, despite the Dow Jones Industrial Average increasing more than 90% since the act passed in July 2010. [White House Press Briefing]
  3. House votes to overturn anti-pollution rules for oil and natural gas drilling. [The Hill]
  4. Trump announces sanctions on Iran over missile test. [NY Times]
  5. FCC halts two new consumer protections: net neutrality investigation in “zero rating” by wireless carriers and subsidized broadband access. [Deadline, Ars Technica]
  6. State Department says about 60,000 visas revoked due to travel ban; Justice Department attorney says the number was 100,000. [Washington Post]
  7. Kellyanne Conway cites non-existent ‘Bowling Green massacre’ to defend the immigration ban. [Washington Post]
  8. Kellyanne Conway deflects criticism over her false comments by attacking media credibility and citing concerns about national security. [Twitter, Twitter, The Atlantic]
  9. Trump will travel to his private resort, Mar-a-Lago, which will cost taxpayers an estimated $3 million for one weekend. [Politico]
  10. Prepared statements from today’s press briefing referred to Mar-a-Lago as the “Winter White House”. [White House Press Briefing]

Trump continues using his personal Twitter account for demagoguery.

  • Claims of “professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters” [Twitter]
  • Claims of “fake news” [Twitter]
  • Declared a need to keep “evil” out of the country [Twitter]
  • Saber-rattling remarks towards Iran [Twitter]
  • Continued war of words with Arnold Schwarzenegger [Twitter]

What We Missed

  1. Press Secretary Sean Spicer Falsely Accuses Iran of Attacking U.S. Navy Vessel, an Act of War. [The Intercept]
  2. Trump to focus counter-extremism program solely on Islam, removing white supremacy groups and other domestic groups. [Reuters]
  3. Trump selects Evangelical Christian leader Jerry Falwell Jr to lead an education reform task force. [Reuters]

