New Storm King’s Thunder Intro Video

Alan MacPherson
DM’s Apprentice
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2019

It’s been around two years since I ran Storm King’s Thunder for a group of players. This group had their pick of the litter for published 5th edition D&D adventures. After some discussion, they picked this campaign, and I can’t say I blame them — there’s something very appealing about the idea of a going on a quest to stop the giants. It’s literally David vs. Goliath, but you’re a bunch of Davids against a lot of Goliaths. A sure recipe for classic heroism.

Anyway, I made a new introduction video for this campaign — this is one is very “general” and not specific to my players. You can use it to get anyone pumped up for the adventure and up to speed on the game world, and to set the tone of the campaign.

Feel free to use it in your campaigns. Enjoy:

Re-playing Storm King’s Thunder actually has some appeal to me as a DM as well. With the variable paths, I’ll get to have a completely different Chapter 2 (I went to Bryn Shander before), and have the players encounter a new giant lord (I did the Fire Giants last time).

To read how my first play-through went, you can go to Episode 1. You can see how far my video-making skills have progressed by checking out the videos from my Episode 0 post as well.

Storm Giants hate posing for family photos.



Alan MacPherson
DM’s Apprentice

Formerly obsessed D&D nerd now sharing my deepest experiences with love and relationships, and how it shapes who I am today.