Better UX, More Users! Try out This New Content Editing Solution for a Stunning User Interface

Absolutely stunning! It is a popular phrase that if you have to describe the interface to your users, it is wrongly made. The contemporary Internet is mainly built on a couple of interface elements: text, images, videos, positioning. And the text editing is a great new challenge.

3 min readJun 16, 2017


Use a simple editor to improve UX

I think that the best solution is finally found. Basically Medium Editor is a bunch of code packaged into a library that can be implemented into any web application. We can describe the regular user of the editor as someone who is concentrated on the creation, not on the code or other functions.

That is why developers are more and more exploring the great features of that new wave visual HTML text editing tool. Who wants to add a WYSIWYG editor into their application? But not a traditional and hard to understand.

I think it would be helpful, for all non-technical people who love Medium-style writing and editing, to better understand whether this is something they can install on their server and then edit their site/blog with it, or something designed only for developers of publishing apps.

Robin Good on

Not just WYSIWYG, say hello to a new wave of visual HTML editor

We have to stop talking about the old-fashioned What you See is What You Get (WYSIWYG), but about a brand new type of visual HTML content editor. Do you remember 2000s web editors? It could be a surprise but many websites are still using the well-known white WYSIWYG editor. You know, that one with the austere icons set.

So explore the features of Medium Editor, trendiest editor on the web! There is a simple rule: follow the trends and get the benefits!

One of the great opportunists is that the Medium Editor is showing its toolbar when requested from user, for example — when selecting a text line. Inline text editing is more user friendly, without and heavy and n

You can use it in any situation or case, but here are a few web project where Medium Editor could be an irreplaceable part:

Blog: absolutely right case!

Contact form: allow your users to become more creative when sending you messages.

Forum: in the era of Facebook forums are something forgotten. But there are just a few options in Facebook for styling posts. Why not suggest your users style their forum threads?

Comments box: more formatted, easier to read.

E-commerce, product catalog: show your customers how great are your products!

You can edit content directly in the page, without using admin panels or remote updating. So your pages are not only rendered with dynamic data, but users can edit it fully inline using the intuitive and simple interface of Medium Editor.

When you click on a single word, select a couple of words or bigger paragraphs, the magic is happening. The toolbar is active and ready to go!

What is standing behind?

Native, pure JavaScript. That is the way to make your website blazing fast. Nowadays, writing applications or widgets whiteout libraries is hard to imagine.

That powerful editor supports natively 26 formatting options and 7 themes to choose from. Great and simple, a perfect combination!

You can use the extension to convert any textarea to visual HTML inline editor area or make your pages editable with Medium Editor regions, and save them on the fly with AJAX-driven technology.

Are you a developer?

If you are a developer, try suggesting your clients that solution for their website in order to show yourself as a creative and trendy creator of web applications.

The easiest way to get Medium Editor is to download it as a Dreamweaver extension and implement it on your project! Find Medium Editor here.

