List of Software Engineering tools gathered from across the company

Mateusz Jadczyk
DNA Technology
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2022
Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

Yes, this is yet another “231 productivity tools which will save you years of work” article. Sort of.

It’s not a personal list of tools I use every day, but rather a result of a company-wide workshop which was meant to gather inspiration from a bigger group of Software Engineers and Site Reliability Engineers. Besides tools, it includes various tips & tricks to improve your and your team’s everyday life.

You’ve probably seen some/most of these tools, but from my experience, every such list brings some interesting discoveries, so enjoy!

The idea of a workshop evolved from a mentoring session revolving around being more efficient as a developer.

🔥 Hot tools
Terminal for MacOS
Mac OS

🔥 Hot tools

Terminal for MacOS

Oh My Zsh


Tips and tricks

  • Brew
  • Use aliases (common folders, commands, last visited directories, git aliases)
  • thefuck: fix your typing
  • Gcalcli: Google calendar in your command line
  • ack!: grep-like source code search tool
  • FZF: fuzzy-finder
  • tmux with plugins: fingers, logging, session-finder, kube


  • Visual Studio Code
  • IntelliJ
  • Webstorm
  • SublimeText
  • Atom
  • CodeSandbox
  • Codepen

VS Code tricks & extensions

  • Shortcuts: cmd + shift + F → Search in files; cmd + p → find file
  • MD files
  • Preview: images, PDFs, …
  • GitLens

IntelliJ tricks & plugins

  • JetBrains Toolbox
  • CodeWithMe
  • SonarLint
  • Shortcuts: shift + cmd +/- (collapse, expand code); cmd+shift+A (shortcut to all shortcuts); ctrl+tab; cmd+option+M/V/P; cmd+O(+shift); and more
  • On save actions: optimise imports; eslint fix, etc.
  • Key promoter
  • Plugins: Rainbow brackets, CSV, PlantUML, CamelCase, AceJump (for keyboards pros), Save Actions, Color highlighter
  • Intellij Material Theme UI + Atom material Icons



  • Sourcetree
  • Fork (+ custom commands for PRs creation)
  • VSC, JetBrains built-in tools
  • KDiff3

Tips & tricks

  • Precommit with linters and tests
  • Oh My Zsh Git Aliases
  • Semantic commits for clear git messages
  • Default git pull set to rebase
  • GPG to sign commits
  • Global local git prehook to include Jira ticket in the commit message
  • git-crypt with transcrypt

Remote repositories

  • Setting default reviewers
  • Slack integration (concerns pipelines)
  • Assigning a PR first to yourself, then other reviewers
  • Unleash on premium GitLab plans



  • Prettier
  • ESLint
  • Live reload
  • React snippets
  • Flipper, Testing Library, Cypress, Storybook, Tailwind, Chart.js, FontAwesome, Lokalise, Redux, i18next

Chrome Dev Tools

  • cmd+option+J/I to open
  • cmd+O to search files
  • Debugging, Performance, App Storage


  • React Developer Tools
  • Redux
  • Testing playground
  • AXE: accessibility testing
  • Lighthouse


  • ImageMagick, TinyPNG
  • Amplitude.js, Sentry
  • Figma

Mac OS


  • cmd+space: spotlight
  • cmd+shift+3/4: screenshots
  • cmd+`: switch same app windows


  • Notes :), Evernote, Bear, Todoist, Notion

Topbar and helpers


  • Miro


  • KnockKnock, 1Password, Brave browser, KeePassXC, Bitwarden, Keybase


  • Separated desktop spaces
  • Do not disturb mode
  • Calendar app


  • Robo 3T, DBeaver, MongoDB Compass, Sequel Pro


  • BeProductive
  • Boostnote
  • Slack reminders, snippets, huddle
  • Franz
  • Headspace
  • Blinkist
  • Syntax FM

I hope you found something new and useful. What do you use in your company? Share your insights!



Mateusz Jadczyk
DNA Technology

An open-minded full-stack software engineer building products, not just writing code. 👨‍💻 Software Engineer at DNA Technology (