Will we be seeing you in Amsterdam?

Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2015

Our 2015 Spring Workshop is nearly upon us, and we’re very excited for this years theme, which is DDoS attack report and mitigation techniques!

We hope you’ll all be able to join us just before RIPE 70, on the 9th and 10th of May in Amsterdam at Hotel Okura. But registration is limited and seats filling up, so if you haven’t already registered you should do so AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

Like right this instant, go to:


Honestly if you don’t register by the 24th of April, we’ll have to increase the cost of registration….

Done? Ok great, so in addition to talks on different attack experiences and side-effects, and countermeasures against random sub-domain attacks…our amazing program committee picked out some very compelling DNSSEC talks, looking at the effects of increasing the RZ KSK size, on-the-fly signing , and use of ECDSA crypto in practice, as well as several new DNS tool presentations. Plus four OARC staffers will be on-site, so if you’d like to chat with any of us individually, that can certainly be arranged.

A big thank you to SIDN, VeriSign, and Nominum for being our sponsors this time around, and RIPE NCC for all their support with connectivity and logistics!

Speaking of logistics:

You’ll want to grab your seat by mid-morning on Saturday, if you want to catch the sessions on OARC’s status, this will be extra special, as our esteemed President Keith Mitchell will be giving a retrospective on our 10 year anniversary.

The full workshop starts at 14:00 CEST Saturday and goes until 17:30 Sunday. If you’re up for a bit of fun, SIDN will be sponsoring a social event Saturday evening. If you’re friends aren’t lucky enough to join you for the workshop, tell them to look out for details of the webcast we’re planning to broadcast, it won’t be all inclusive but I suppose something is better than nothing.

If you haven’t found a hotel yet, we’re cutting it kind of close but if there are any discounted room rates left, you can find them here:


And if you need even more travel and venue information, head on over to the RIPE70 meeting site at:


Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Psst…if you just finished reading and are bummed you aren’t more involved, we can still use your help! Spread the word about the workshop by sharing this post with your friends and using #OARCworkshop. There are also still some opportunities for sponsorship, if you’re interested send a note to sponsor@dns-oarc.net.

