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Case Study: How Rescon Builders reduced cloud billing migrating from Azure to AWS

Flavio Oliveira


RESCON Builders, an established Australian company that designs, builds, and redefines granny flats across NSW, worked with DNX to migrate their Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform to AWS to save an average of 50% in costs, gaining the ability to deliver more features to their applications and speed up the development process.

The Challenge

Rescon had their application platform on Microsoft Azure on a highly tailored environment using Windows Servers and MS SQL Server Databases. Rescon's technical debt was just growing as they were using a non-Cloud-Native stack, being unable to leverage cloud advantages, like high availability, scalability, automation and zero-downtime deploys.

They were facing a raising bill on Azure while they were unable to capture the agility of modern development to deploy new features. The company needed to leverage performance x costs to achieve competitive advantage.

The Project

To comply with Rescon's objectives, DNX delivered an infrastructure as code AWS Well-Architected platform based on multiple accounts and network segregation, introduced DevSecOps practices for the development teams through a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery Pipeline and migrated Rescon's applications to Containers, providing a solid, secure, and cost-efficient platform.

DNX deployed to Rescon:

  • Fully automated AWS platform using infrastructure as code through Terraform
  • Docker Container platform, based on AWS Elastic Container Service highly available and scalable, allowing Rescon to use Blue-Green deployment strategy, using Spot Instances to save computing costs
  • CI/CD Pipelines for zero-downtime deployment
  • MS SQL Server migration to a managed SQL Server RDS Database
  • A new set of AWS features enabling Rescon's new projects (Lambda for Serverless applications, DynamoDB, Elastic Search, Cognito and AWS API Gateway)
Rescon's High-Level Design

Cost Reduction

DNX compared AWS costs for the last three months with Azure utilisation, showing an average saving of 51.4%.

*Source: DNX Solutions based on total cost spent by Rescon during Jun, Jul and Aug 2019 **Numbers Omitted
*Source: DNX Solutions based on AWS Cost Explorer x Azure Cost Management for Rescon's environment **Resource categorisation based on similar services

For the database, Rescon hasn’t at this time achieved the full potential cost reduction, as they are using some Microsoft SQL Server services not yet supported on RDS, like MS SQL Reporting Services and Information Services.

In this project phase, DNX migrated the core databases to RDS and kept some small instances running the unsupported Services until Rescon can implement an upgrade in their database strategy, migrating MS SQL Server to a mix of AWS Aurora DB and Dinamo DB.


Migrating their workloads from Azure to AWS Rescon obtained a reliable, robust, secure and cost-effective cloud platform, allowing them to experiment on a breadth of new services for building a more competitive platform for their customers for half of the cost of their former platform.

At DNX Solutions, we work to bring a better cloud and application experience for digital-native startups in Australia.

Our current focus areas are AWS, Well-Architected Solutions, Containers, ECS, Kubernetes, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery and Service Mesh.

We are constantly hiring cloud engineers for our Sydney office, focusing on cloud-native concepts.

Check our open-source projects at and follow us on our Twitter or Linkedin



Flavio Oliveira

Flavio Oliveira ia a Cloud Project / Product Manager helping clients in their journey to the Cloud with Amazon Web Service — AWS.