Terraform Remote States in S3

Allan Denot
DNX Labs
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2019

A simple way to use S3 backend to store your states remotely

Photo by Lachlan Gowen on Unsplash

When a terraform stack is deployed, terraform creates a state file.

The state file keeps track of what resources have been deployed, all parameters, IDs, dependencies, failures and outputs defined in your stack.

In a not so distant past, this state file (JSON) would be committed to the repository containing your terraform stack code.

This created a few problems:

  • Concurrency: If 2 or more developers are working in the stack, they won’t see the other state until it’s pushed to the repository
  • Automated Deployment: A CI tool that deploys the stack automatically would need to commit the new state file to the repository
  • Easily corruptible: In case of a merge conflict or human error, the state file can be corrupted or gone. If this happens, the stack becomes unmaintainable, resources need to be manually/individually imported or cleaned and then re-created with terraform

How remote state works

Instead of having a local JSON file holding the state, the state file is uploaded to an S3 bucket.

It’s all done automatically by the terraform S3 backend, example:

After deploying, terraform will create a state file called ecs-platform in the bucket dnx-terraform-backend.

If you use workspaces, it will prefix with /env:/<workspace_name>/.

To learn more, check our article on Terraform Workspaces

You probably noticed the parameter dynamodb_table above. DynamoDB is used for locking and consistency checking, to prevent concurrent operations in a single workspace.

Creating the backend infrastructure (bucket, DynamoDB table and IAM roles)

We have a terraform module to facilitate the infrastructure creation:

Usage example:

The module creates the following resources:

  • S3 Bucket named <bucket_prefix>-terraform-backend
  • DynamoDB table named terraform-lock
  • IAM Role: terraform-backend

When deploying the module above, terraform will create a state file as it does for every stack. The state file for this stack has to be stored as a file in your repository as the bucket to store state files doesn’t exist yet. Classic “chicken and egg” problem 🐔🥚. All newer stacks can use the bucket created by this stack to store the state from now on.

Using multiple AWS accounts

If you deploy the S3 backend to a different AWS account from where your stacks are deployed, you can assume the terraform-backend role from the other account, as long as it’s allowed in the assume_policy parameter (it supports multiple roles separated by comma).

As an example, we have a network stack deployed to a different account than the S3 backend, the configuration on that stack would look like:

Note the new parameter role_arn and change <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID_OF_BACKEND> above to the AWS account ID where your S3 backend was deployed.

With the configuration above, when running terraform init/apply, it will:

  • Assume the role defined in role_arn
  • Reach the S3 bucket dnx-terraform-backend
  • Create the file network if it doesn’t exist, or download it and use as state file
  • Run apply: create/update the resources
  • Assume again the role in role_arn
  • Upload the updated state file back to the S3 bucket

The module also automatically enables bucket versioning and disallows files being deleted using the role, making almost impossible to lose a state file.


Hopefully, this article was helpful in some way.

Please leave your feedback below as well as anything you would like to see added.

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Allan Denot
DNX Labs

Cloud, container platforms and occasionally ML