UX Analytics tool for Empowered Software Development Product Teams is now available in a Docker container

Alexey Himself
Do They Use
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2023


In Cloud (no registration required): https://dotheyuse.com
In Docker container: https://hub.docker.com/r/alexeyhimself/dtu

This is how the app looks today:

WTF Empowered Product Teams?

This term of Empowered Product Teams came from Marty Cagan and is described here (text) and here (video).

In short, this is a type of Team who is given a Problem to solve (instead of Features to build (Feature Team) or Code to ship (Delivery Team)) and they are accountable for the Outcomes, for the Results, for the Problem solution (instead of the Outputs, the number of Features).

They are Empowered to make the decisions and choose the tools while building solutions for the Problems.

WTF UX Analytics?

During my career in IT I often seen situations when Software Development teams built an app or service full of elements (links, buttons, check-boxes, radios, drop-downs, input fields, text-areas, etc.) and features and they completely didn’t instrument their apps to know:

  • Are these elements and features are used by anybody?
  • And if they are used, then how much? What are most and least used elements and features?
  • And even if they are used, then by whom? Maybe we just don’t care on that type of users…

I.e. we have UI of the app or service and we just don’t know if they use it, how they use it, when, how much, and most importantly — why and what for. We just ship and have no clue!

Use case for UX Product Analytics

GitHub account. This UI screen has 11 interaction elements only in a black navigation bar area, 15 elements in gray header area and more than 20 elements in white area (totally more than 46 elements on the page):

These elements have to be:

  • initially designed
  • initially developed
  • tested manually or automatically
  • regression tested for every new release
  • backward compatible between releases
  • tests and build systems have to be supported
  • discussed on the meetings

All of above consume time and energy. And imagine that actually paying customers use only 20% of these elements and features. You could remove 80% of UI noise, simplify UI and UX, build and test 80% faster, but you don’t know what are those 20%. And you have to support other 80% that no one actually use.

Imagine that actually paying customers use only 20% of these elements and features on the page. You could remove 80% of UI noise, simplify UI/UX, build and test 80% faster… But you don’t know what are those 20%. And you have to support other 80% that no one actually use…

UX Product Analytics app

But now imagine if you could:

  • Track every element (all or specified ones) usage;
  • Track who used them in terms of UserID and UserGroupID(s);
  • Visualize this usage and make decisions based on that data — make Data-Driven Product decisions.

Take a look for example who and when and how much has used “Menu (button)” web element within last 3 hours:

Who didn’t use and what and how much they used instead:

Or, for example, what the elements Miranda used during last 12 hours and when in time and how much:

You see? Complete control on what’s going on with every element, with every feature in your app! Now you can build all the Development and Testing process around real usage data:

  • Prioritize development, bug-fixes and tests;
  • Remove elements and features that no one uses;
  • Find out why no one uses some elements and features (to increase adoption of frequency of use);
  • Monitor anomalies to detect possible issues;
  • etc.

Where can I get more information?

On website: https://dotheyuse and ask here in comments.

Where can I try the app?

On website: https://dotheyuse (no registration required to try) and pull from DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/r/alexeyhimself/dtu

Hope you liked it 👏



Alexey Himself
Do They Use

I write about practical and effective techniques that help me and my colleagues in everyday software development and testing.