Mining Watch

DOBI Exchange
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2019

How to make money wearing MC Plus2?

We make block chain assets on intelligent wearable through POE (proof of effort) consensus mechanism by running, which is a perfect way to encourage more people to love exercising, gain wealth and health.

1, Walk to work

2, Take a walk with the family

3, Run

4, Exercise

5, Walk in the office

MCC information

Chinese Name:行云币

English Name:MovingCloudCoin


Block time:10秒

Block size:8MB

Transaction fee:0.1MCC

Total circulation:1 billion

Server: 101 purse nodes, 100% purse fault tolerance, 1G dedicated telecommunication optical fiber, CDN acceleration

Business processing volume: 40 thousand /10 seconds (concurrent), 4 thousand transactions per second (concurrent)

MCC parameters

Main chain type: public blockchain

Side chain type: SPV wedge

Token:DAPP built-in tokens

Algorithm: DPOS+PBFT

Database: SQLite embedded relational database

Development language: the JavaScript language and the massive NPM Library

DAPP:JavaScript VM +Sandbox de centralization

Application scenario: Consensus Mechanism, Delegate Voting, Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) and Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT)

