GDPR & Dock: Our Commitment to Protect Your Data

Elina Cadouri
3 min readMay 24, 2018

GDPR is the General Data Protection Regulation, a sweeping legislation passed by the EU and enforceable as of May 25, 2018. GDPR maintains that data protection is a fundamental human right and it is the responsibility of any company that controls and process data to protect that right.

Data protection and privacy is the driving mission behind Dock. With blockchain technology, Dock’s vision is to enable individuals to have full control over their online data. The GDPR aligns with our mission to protect these rights and creates more awareness for individuals and companies all over the world to come to this same conclusion. It’s been exciting to see the large adoption of these values that GDPR has caused across major sectors of technology.

Dock has a new page that details how we are addressing the rights behind GDPR.

Data Protection Tools

Dock provides a number of tools that allow you to own and control your data:

Import/Export Tool — Import your data or export in a standardized CSV format.

Data management — Complete insight into which data is being shared and processed, keep your information up-to-date.

Data encryption and decentralized storage — Data is protected and stored securely.

Data access — Full control over which applications can access your data.

Data deletion — Once you delete data, it is completely removed from our servers.

GDPR Compliance Roadmap

Below are the steps we have taken to ensure your data is protected and that our product and company are GDPR compliant:

  • Reviewed how Dock handles data and mapped our various data flows. This allowed us to recognize any modifications that needed to be updated.
  • Added a data export tool to allow you to easily access data that has been provided to Dock.
  • Reviewed all Dock third-party services that handle users’ data to ensure they are compliant. View our subprocessors here.
  • Educated the entire Dock team about GDPR and provided guidance to various teams on how to ensure compliance across departments.
  • Updated the Dock Privacy Policy to provide further transparency and simpler language to understand how your data is being processed.
  • Underwent a security audit to ensure the integrity of users’ data. Created protocols to ensure compliance in the future.

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