A Proposal from Dock: Choose your Personal Data Storage

Matt Millen
3 min readJan 31, 2019


Clouds are great at storing stuff!

If you are fortunate enough to live in a country governed by democracy, at some point in your life you’ve probably received a lecture about the importance of voting. This concept is something our parents and elders have great respect for, and with good reason.

Bureaucratic inefficiencies aside, the ability to affect the course of an entire country should not be taken for granted. In the public Blockchain world this idea is heavily incorporated, and gives anyone power to help shape the path a team follows.

At Dock, our voting mechanism is something we are proud of, and we want to re-emphasize it’s importance. The voting feature is available to anyone who holds our token, and the feedback we get through it is incredibly valuable.

With progress at Dock picking up steam, we want to make sure our community’s voices are heard as we continue to innovate throughout the year.

In light of this, for 2019 Dock will be proposing votes much more frequently, and our hope is that you’ll help us out by casting your vote!

Proposal 12 Breakdown

Effective immediately, and continuing for the next 30 days, Proposal 12 will be live. During this period our community will have the chance to:

Vote on a solution they trust to securely store the data associated with your Dock account.

No one should your own your data except for you, and this proposal is based on the belief that individual ownership of data is important. Dock’s mission to give you back control of your data starts with this concept, because in today’s world it is very difficult to control data that you do not own!

Why we’re having a vote

In our whitepaper, we had discussed using IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) as our storage solution. Recently, regulatory uncertainty about encrypted data qualifying as fully anonymized and the importance of providing our users with full control led us to revisit this choice.

We decided that providing a few storage options, based on what is most popular with our users, is the road that we want to follow. Ideally, any of the storage solutions that we integrate will be easy to use and accessible for our users.

How this storage solution will work

Regardless of the winning option, the personally identifying information that is stored for your Dock account will reside inside a “data storage solution”. As a user you will have access to this data, and can remove it at your discretion.

Making our “short list”

In compiling this list of options for data storage we focused on finding choices that balanced the level of security provided with ease of use. With this in mind, the options below contain some common data storage solutions that you’ve probably heard of.

We’ve also listed an option called “Self-Hosted”. This refers to data storage that uses open-source software. A few examples would be ownCloud Server, NextCloud, or Cozy. Please keep in mind that we haven’t decided on a particular “Self-Hosted” option as more due diligence is required.

The Options

The 5 options to consider for Dock’s data storage solution are below, along with a link to learn a bit more about them. Happy voting!

  1. Dropbox
  2. iCloud
  3. Microsoft OneDrive
  4. Google Drive
  5. “Self-Hosted” ~ Any open-source cloud storage solution, see above for examples.

You can find Proposal 12 here. Our help center article on how to vote is here.

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