How do you transform values into EB actions in the Tech world?

Ania Kalisiak
Docplanner Tech
Published in
8 min readJun 4, 2020

Are you responsible for building a brand in your company or the company you work for? Or maybe you just want to be an ambassador of your organization? With Docplanner Tech as an example, I’ll show you how to implement values in your employer branding activities.

Ok, we know that you want to invest your energy in EB. But what’s the right way to do it? First, you have to really focus on how your company is perceived by your team and people outside of the company. Delve into your company’s mission and strengths. Then, you can create messages and choose ways in which you want to communicate them to the world.

This is a difficult, but definitely valuable method for building EB. By making this deep dive into your company’s mission, you will know what direction your EB should take after establishing an Employee Value Proposition. So, where to?

The first station — creating EVP

We take our values and mission very seriously. They’re the base for everything we do, so it’s not going to be a surprise that they were also fundamental to creating our EVP. We focused on employees and candidates’ opinions and we did workshops with our colleagues and within our PX team to create every line of our statement together.

EVP creation is a story for another article (you can find it here), so simply let me show you what came out of our actions:

Docplanner Tech’s EVP

Now, there is a big question — how do we display these beliefs as actual actions? We have to remember that, in the end, EB’s goal is to attract great people to join us. We gathered to think about how we actually understand these quotes and to come up with a way to implement the ideas they convey. We thought that the best way to do that was by creating #PeopleofDocplanner, which encompasses our passions, everyday lives, and challenges.

Second station — For us mission is possible.

At the beginning of our workshops, we wanted to figure out a short sentence which will be the opening line that sets the tone of our whole statement. Last time around, we focused on “Do what you love”, because passion is very important in Docplanner. But this time we went a different way.

Thinking of our “mission”, one of the first things that came to my mind was the Mission Impossible franchise. In my mind, what happens in these movies closely aligns with our values: our mission is very important and nothing can stop us. That’s how the tagline “mission is possible” came to be.

We make healthcare experience more human. We follow this mission and prove every day that achieving it is indeed possible. It’s real and we are really committed to it, because it’s unique. We have and need more fighters who feel the same way and will do anything to make it happen. Healthcare is a part of our lives and making it better, in the long run, is a huge undertaking. We try to make our product better every day by creating new features and solutions.

Lately, we delivered video consultations, which are available to every one of our doctor’s and to every one of their patients. We simply had to show it in our social media, because we are extremely proud of what we are creating. First, we announced what happened and then we summarized it to show it to everyone — both as recognition to our teammates and to show our accomplishment to the world!

On our fan pages, you can also find many success stories of our people — some of them have worked with us for a few years now. Why? Adam can answer that question.

Third station — With fierce passion, absorbing inspiration and radiating ideas.

We believe in our people and their ideas. One such idea was to begin hosting Tech meetups, which are now an inseparable part of our brand. This is something that came out of passion, not the obligation, or because “PX told me to do it”. Now, we have more than 2000 people who follow us and come to our events in Warsaw and Barcelona to listen to our experiences and solutions in different areas of our product as well as to meet the people behind them. One of our new ideas is to hold Workshops for developers to learn technologies or “Round Table” with the software company Apiumhub to talk about them in bigger groups.

It’s great to show events like this in your social media, but by making engaging videos summarizing these events to your followers, you can incentivize them to join us for future events. You will always find information about new events in our social media, so be sure to follow us!

And, while on the topic of inspiration… We, of course, try to inspire ourselves to learn new things every day, but we try to inspire others as well. A great way to do that is by cooperating with the community. Staying in touch with different groups or companies resulted in a few initiatives. Soon, our two great developers @Rafał and Michał will be guests at JustJoinIT Live Streaming to talk about international cooperation. Also, @patryk Woziński, our PHP Developer was recently a guest in the podcast “Porozmawiajmy o IT” to talk about the role of a PHP Developer.

Interesting fact: In a few weeks we will launch our own Podcast called “Tech Talks, but listening to it is not possible yet. If you want to know exactly when we will air it — subscribe to our newsletter to be up to date! ;)

Our people are our great ambassadors and we try our best to encourage them to join us in this EB adventure, but the biggest challenge is to make them willing to work with us. We always try a direct approach, but we didn’t want to push them to be sponsors of our brand all the time. So we created helpful guides, where employees can find all the possible ways in which they can take part. We have an Ambassador’s Guide, where you can get a big picture of what you can do with our help and a second guide, where there are specific steps you can follow to even become a speaker at international conferences!

Fourth station — We are entrepreneurs. We define goals, have autonomy and space to experiment. We are not afraid to fail

We feel responsible for our product — that’s why we set bars high for ourselves. We have goals for the company, teams as well as ourselves as individuals, but we try not to kill autonomy and creativity. There is always a space to experiment — and many of our actions and projects were successful experiments.

Well, the best example is from a few days earlier: we wouldn’t deliver something totally new like Telemedicine with online consultations in around 3 weeks if we were afraid to try.

But if you don’t believe me, you can listen to our new #Explained series where Gabri (our Head of Product) and Matt (one of Product Managers) spoke from the heart (not the script!), showing that this statement is very true.

Fifth station — We believe in feedback and honesty delivered kindly

In January, we conducted a small workshop called a “Feedback circle” for one of our teams. It was a great possibility to get some opinions from others and to continue to grow. We also organize workshops on how to give and receive feedback — you can count on getting feedback at Docplanner at every step! Giving feedback is not easy to show in social media, but we are still trying! How? We always give and ask for feedback after recruitment processes. We created surveys, where every candidate can say what they did and didn’t like and to give their thoughts on how we can improve. But we also collect feedback after our every meetup or any other new event.

PS. We also made a feedback survey to gather information to create a whole EVP ;)

Sixth station — We love what we do.

Our passion means that we love what we do. It could be mirrored in just doing a great job, but it could also mean sharing knowledge, which we do more than often, in webinars, podcasts, articles, meetups and conferences. The “do what you love” quote is very important because when you love what you are doing, you care about it and try to do it as best as you can. Simple as that.

Last station — Together.

It may sound cheesy to someone, but as everything in Docplanner — it means very much:

P.S. If you still don’t believe me — just listen to our people to find out that everything I said is true ;) I can guarantee you will find even more examples that our EVP does not consist of empty words: this is how working in Docplanner Tech looks like ❤

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