How to Set the Right Objectives

Nicola Bagnasco
Docplanner Tech
Published in
4 min readOct 28, 2022
Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash

Are you a person who takes care of your personal growth? Very good, I’m pretty sure you know that at the basis of change there are the objectives. Objectives allow you to achieve new results, fill the gap between where you are now and your desired future. This is what we know, but “just when you think you know something, you have to look at it in another way”.

If you have a list of objectives you want to achieve, maybe written on a paper, or only in your head, please stay with me and keep reading. There is something that might help you figure out if they are the right ones for you.

Will you ever:

  • Feel dissatisfied even if you achieved your objectives?
  • Feel like a loser because you didn’t achieve your objectives?
  • Feel demotivated because you didn’t even try to achieve your objectives?

The problem may be in the way you are defining them. Let me explain better.

How to begin to define your objectives

Where do you start to define your objectives? Most people, without realising it, start from the concept of scarcity.

“Passing the job interview will change my life” “If I only had more money, I could have everything I want!”

Nevermind the format of the examples, it isn’t precise, let’s focus on the principle from where they start: I desire what I don’t have right now, when I get it, I’ll be happy.

In doing so you are giving to the objective the responsibility to define yourself, in other words you are giving the responsibility to define who you are, your inner self, to something external to you.

This is risky, if you don’t achieve your objectives you might feel like a loser. And more risky, if you achieve them, you might think that you have succeeded.

Now, try to think in this way:

Since I’m already complete, let’s start from who I am (internal) and then define my objectives (external).

You are not your objectives, don’t leave to them the responsibility to define yourself!

3 steps to define the right objectives

  1. Reflect on your uniqueness 🌱
  2. Clarify your direction ☀️
  3. Define the way that helps you to go where you want to go 🌻

If you understand who you are, it will be clear where you want to go. When the direction is clear, you can define the way, your objectives.

Define your direction

At the beginning I wrote that most of us, unbeknownst to us, define the objectives starting from the concept of scarcity: I search what I don’t have right now, if I reach it I’ll be happy. The exercise I’m suggesting is to define your objectives starting from the concept opposite to scarcity: fullness.

I’m already perfect, complete, full. Seek your uniqueness, your direction, define your objectives according to this.

Think about what makes you unique, what makes you feel good, and fulfils you. It can be something you are already aware of, or something others noticed about you and you recognise yourself in. Catch the internal signals, but also all the external feedback, implicit and explicit.

You can find your direction only inside you, it’s your power. The purpose of your life. It’s not supernatural, it’s your potential. All of us can find it.

Go in search of everything about yourself that works well, your strength, everything that supported you during your life, especially in difficult times. Try to make them stronger and effective.

Finding the direction is long term thinking, your long term direction will clarify your short term objectives.

It may not be so easy to understand your direction, don’t worry. Take the time you need. If instead it’s already clear, better!

Define the way that will help you to follow your direction

Don’t assume you have to use the objectives to get to where you want to go, you could use other ways. The point is that, regardless of the way you decide to use, these don’t define you. If you give your best without achieving your objectives, that’s fine. Learn and get back in line, your direction doesn’t change because that is what you are.

Do not risk achieving results, but be unsatisfied!

You cannot find what you are looking for if you are looking in the wrong direction.

In the end, the true purpose is to have a life that satisfies us. A life in which we have time for ourselves, we feel in love, we like what we do and we love the people around us. We wake up in the morning and feel good.

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