All You Need To Know About Weight Gain In Pregnancy

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4 min readJun 17, 2019


It is truly an endearing and the most amazing phase in someone’s life to become a mother, and why wouldn’t it be! Being a mother is a whole new enriching and exciting experience. And as a mom-to-be, it can’t be denied that this phase can bring some mixed emotions about the various changes happening to the body. One such change that might be visible are some inches gained across the body, bloating, puffy face, swollen extremities and so on.

During this new phase of life, the mommy-to-be is so excited to welcome her bundle of joy, that its quite natural to go overboard and give into all the cravings and food tantrums in the world! You cannot blame yourself though! It’s the excessive rush of “baby” hormones you see! But you may require to be mindful of this situation, as it can bring in a few “bumpy” complications during the delivery and post pregnancy. To know all about them, read on!

Why am I gaining weight during pregnancy?

This is a common question by many prospective mothers. Well the answer is simple! Your baby is growing by the day during your entire gestational period. Along with that your body is also developing extra tissues to nourish your little one. Its quite natural and nothing to be worried of!

How much weight can you gain during pregnancy?

You will have to keep your weight in check so as to welcome your baby in a healthy way. This weight check is also important for you to take on your responsibilities as a supermom with ease.

While most women gain 11.5- 16 kg during pregnancy, it is highly influenced by various factors like:

1. Your weight, height and the corresponding BMI, pre-pregnancy.

2. Your genetic makeup and any underlying conditions that may cause you to gain weight like thyroid issues, diabetes, PCOD, etc

3. If you are carrying twins (In this case you are bound to gain 50% more than with a single child).

4. If you are having morning sickness.

5. If you go overboard with those sweet and sour cravings and eat more than your required daily calorie intake.

How do I calculate my ideal weight during pregnancy?

The formula for calculating BMI is: Your pre-pregnancy weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of your height (in metres).

Example: If you weight is 65 kg and you’re 170 cm tall, your BMI calculation would be 68 / 1.7 x 1.7 = 22.5.

The table below will give a brief idea of the normal ranges of weight gain in pregnancy

What are the risks of being overweight or underweight during pregnancy?

Women who are malnourished can have complications like,

· Miscarriage

· Low birth weight in the new born

· Premature birth

· Foetal developmental abnormalities

Women who are overweight can face complications like,

· Preeclampsia

· Gestational diabetes

· High blood pressure

How can I manage my weight during pregnancy?

· Your doctor, dietician or midwife can really help you out with this.

· Make sure to communicate with your doctor well in advance about your medical history and your present condition in order to maintain a healthy body weight.

· If your health and body at that particular trimester allows you to exercise then go ahead and hit the gym, practice some yoga or even brisk walking is great!

· Have a detailed discussion with your physician before deciding on any particular exercise routine during pregnancy.

· If you are a lazy couch lover then there are plenty of activities that you can do indoors to keep yourself energized and active.

· Cravings and pregnancy go hand in hand, but do make sure that you are not going ham with all the junk food and sweet desserts. Choose alternate healthy options instead.

· Consuming a lot of fruits, vegetables, dry fruits, berries, wholesome foodstuffs and drinking plenty of water will surely gain you the desired result of a healthy weight during pregnancy.

Now that you have a good idea of the do’s and don’ts of weight management during pregnancy, go on and take on the role of the responsible superwoman and stay healthy!

