A New Generation of Healthcare Consumerism

Your Patients are Shopping for Healthcare in New Ways. Are You Prepared?

Jasper Lin
2 min readAug 25, 2016


Gone are the days when doctors can rely only on word of mouth to bring in new patients to their practices. According to an article in Becket’s Hospital Review, patients today are driven by a combination of factors to shop aggressively for healthcare — similar to how they shop for groceries or other daily goods.

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The article highlights how healthcare practices today are facing three consumer trends:

  1. Technology and Expanded Access to Information
    Increased reliance on smartphones and the Internet has driven Americans to take control of their healthcare experience. Consumers can easily access their own medical information, as well as a wealth of ratings, costs, and treatment options to choose from.
  2. Generational Differences Affect Technological Preferences
    Different generations of consumers will demand different tools and experiences as they shop for healthcare and engage with their providers. On top of caring for patients who use more traditional technologies of communication, providers have to be prepared to offer a multitude of tools for patients who prefer services like telehealth, online appointments, sharing of data, and etc..
  3. Changing Economic Conditions Produce More Discerning Consumers
    The rise of healthcare costs has pushed employers to shift the cost burden of healthcare to their employees. As consumers spend more on out-of-pocket costs in healthcare, they place even more importance on value in all their purchases.

In response to these realities, doctors today can only compete if they are able to attract patients by standing out in the online marketplace, offer the most up-to-date patient engagement tools, and deliver an unparalleled patient experience from door to door.

In short, providing excellent patient care is simply a given. In 2016, good doctors, like five star hotels, promise and deliver a comprehensive care package.

