10 Sexy Halloween Costumes for Women Over 50

Move over sexy nurse, it’s sexy Vodka.

Kristine Laco
Doctor Funny
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2021


This is not sexy if you are over 50! Look at those heels! Photo by Dmitry Vechorko on Unsplash

It can be a struggle to find something sexy to wear to all the Halloween parties you get invited to when you ripen. I’ve tried sexy old lady, sexy older lady, and sexy octogenarian.

This year I thought, “Damn, I’ve been locked up a long time, I need to show off my sexy body.” Seriously, no one in the universe over fifty said that.

But, if you want to be sexy this Halloween, and I know you do because you’re reading this, here is my list of the sexiest costumes for women over 50.


A black sheet and a white-collar — a tea towel will do — and you are RBG. ‘Cuz nothing says sexy like women’s rights.

A Bed

All the women I know over 50 think a nap is the sexiest thing they could ask for. Carry a pillow and wrap yourself in a sheet, toga style. Don’t forget the jammies because showing off your wings is definitely not sexy. For that extra special sex appeal, a mouth guard, eye mask, and earplugs should do the trick, or treat. Find a corner and really own that costume if the clock ticks past 7 pm.

A Selfie Filter



Kristine Laco
Doctor Funny

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