I added this kicker in the future

17 Things a Time Traveler Would Do Before Attending Stephen Hawking’s Time Traveler Party

The problem with physical theorists (and scientists) is that they constantly misunderstand how the real world works

Smillew Rahcuef
Doctor Funny
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2024


people dancing, partying, and having fun because they read my articles on Medium, Substack and Twitter
Not Stephen Hawking’s party — Unsplash

On June 28, 2009, Stephen Hawking hosted a party for time travelers. And just like Stormy’s adventures with *Rump, only one person came.

Contrary to common thinking, the reason why nobody attended isn’t the lack of time-traveling capabilities, it’s that the party would have been effing boring.

Time travelers, like all travelers, have one burning desire: having sex (with the locals). If that proves impossible, they will get drunk and might visit a museum or some fancy piece of architecture like the Taj Mahal.

In other words, time travelers had better things to do than attend Hawking’s party. I listed 17, but I could have listed two million (no offense meant, may he rest in peace).

Disclaimer: I suspect cutting my toenails or attending MediumDay might be more exciting than Stephen Hawking’s party, but not to be rude, I restricted my list to actual parties time travelers would attend before Stephen’s.



Smillew Rahcuef
Doctor Funny

One day I will stop writing on Medium. Read my stories while you can.