5 Funny Assumptions About Me — Including My Recent Success on Medium

Setting the record straight

Yana Bostongirl
Doctor Funny


Image by Adina Voicu from Pixabay

“You have bewitched me body and soul. And I love. I love. I love you”- Mr. Darcy (Pride & Prejudice)

Yes indeed, that’s a quote by the one and only Mr. Darcy whom I still crush on despite him being a fictional character from a book written a couple of centuries ago. It may sound weird but I never seem to grow tired of reading my dog-eared copy of Pride & Prejudice.

Reading is something I enjoy and am what fellow writer Danielle Loewen would refer to as “Eclectic Enthusiast.” A recent experience that I found quite funny was when someone appeared to be surprised that Stephen King is my fave author because they assumed that horror was not my cup of tea.

Why ever not?

So this article was prompted by that comment.

5 funny assumptions about me:

1.)Being an Empath does not mean I’m a character from Star Trek.

“I’m an empath,” I tell a new friend and wait for any one of the three standard responses I usually hear upon making such a statement : disbelief, ridicule or plain awkwardness (as in no clue how to react).

My friend does not disappoint.



Yana Bostongirl
Doctor Funny

I'm a unique blend of cultures from South Africa, South Asia & USA| Masters in Econ| Substack: 🦋Yana's World🦋https://yanabostongirl.substack.com/|Come say hi!