6 People Who Should Definitely Follow Me

And two that should not.

Jill (Conquering Cognitions)
Doctor Funny


A friend recently asked about my writing progress. I told her about my amazing, life-changing articles that few people take the time to read. I admitted that my growth is slower than expected, and I need more followers.

Wanting to help, she asked, “Who is your ideal audience?”

I didn’t have a good answer.

Initially, I started writing for 45-year-olds who like Oreo cookies and country music, but that is a tough demographic to break into these days. I think it is too saturated.

I know I should cast my net wider — maybe 44-year-olds who like Chips Ahoy?

To increase my writing success in the new year, I want to clearly identify my ideal reading audience. After all, that is rule number one of being a successful author according to…well, everyone, except perhaps Tolstoy.

After some careful consideration, I have created a highly selective, although not comprehensive, list of individuals who would benefit from reading my work.

You Should Follow Me

…if the only feeling word you know is “fine.”

I offer a money-back guarantee that I will at least double your feeling words



Jill (Conquering Cognitions)
Doctor Funny

PsyD, Clinical Psychologist | Writer | Words in Human Parts, Forge, Better Humans | Life Lessons Supported by Science