A Plane Full of People Who Can’t Stop Swearing and Hitting Themselves in the Face

What happened when Hogan Torah and Smillew Rahcuef tried to hijack an airliner?

Edward John
Doctor Funny
Published in
5 min readApr 23, 2022


Image by Bilal EL-Daou from Pixabay. Cropped with

Picture the scene. A packed airliner taking the American Tourette’s Syndrome Association on their annual vacation.

It was the noisiest group of passengers Captain Cuthbert had ever flown. There was an eardrum-bursting din of people constantly swearing and hitting themselves.

And the amount of utter nonsense that came out of their mouths was staggering. For example:

“Michael Knight saved me from being abducted by alien kangaroos!”

“Fucking invisible cheesecake, get off my lawn!”

“Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Basket weaving on the Moon!”

“There’s a strange man in my underpants asking for directions to your darkest thoughts.”

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck the giraffes!”

Biscuit I like biscuit dancing biscuit to the sound of your biscuit aunt biscuit rapping biscuit about biscuits!”

“Fuck the biscuits! Fuck the biscuits! Fuck the biscuits! Fuck the biscuits IN THE FACE!”



Edward John
Doctor Funny

Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom