About Me (Nichola) 2024 Edition

Getting to know me all over again

Nichola Scurry
Doctor Funny
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2024


The author standing in front of a view of a Mexican city.
Me somewhere in Mexico. Photo from my private collection.

I wrote my original About Me in 2021. Since that’s three years ago I thought it was time for an update. Besides, I’ve chaaaanged.

So, um, hi!

I wasn’t sure what the heck to tell you about myself so I search-engined “questions for writers” and found these.

Here goes.

Tell me a little about yourself

Well, my name’s Nichola. I’m kinda borderline shy-wild.

I’m a British-born Australian lady who lives in Barcelona and writes. By day, I’m a technical writer and sometimes I make videos too. During the witching hour, I morph into a creative writer. I like writing about pop culture, history, fiction and humour.

My favourite colour’s green and my favourite number’s eight. A friend of mine says it’s immature for adults to have favourite colours and numbers but he’s wrong.

I’ve written one book called With the Music — a coming-of-age story involving music. And I’ve just finished a dystopian fiction novel called The Dog Prince which I’m serialising on this platform.

How would your previous employer…



Nichola Scurry
Doctor Funny

Australian human living in Barcelona, writing mostly about popular culture with a twist of quirky. If you like my writing, I like coffee.