AITA at My Church’s White Elephant Party?


Alex Praytor
Doctor Funny
Published in
4 min readDec 10, 2023


Me, showing up to the party with my bland gift. Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash

White Elephant parties are supposed to be fun. Let’s not spend much money, not take anything seriously, and let’s get a good laugh as a byproduct. Am I right? …But are they ever really fun?

I would argue that they are not.

I’ve never seen someone leave a white elephant party with a smile on their face, thinking: “I can’t wait to do this again next year!”

Usually, a few relationships will need mending in the new year because of this game. At least it will go on your resolutions list… but like losing those 10 pounds will you follow through? Nah, you’ll just avoid eye contact with that person for a few weeks until those hard feelings wash under the bridge.

Or you restrain yourself as you play and don’t steal anyone’s gift or have any fun. You’ll spend 45 minutes watching 29 people open cheap crap.

At white elephant parties, there’s THE GIFT. You know. It’s the one that everyone trades for until it remains with the last one standing. Half of the group leaves disappointed because they think they really should have won it if they had any luck in their lives. But this party helps them realize they are the very opposite of lucky and always have been. Now…



Alex Praytor
Doctor Funny

Writer, traveler, and avid coffee drinker. Originally from Texas, I've made Romania my home for 10+ years.