All Hell Broke Loose Last Night at AMC Burbank 16 — Which Is So Much the Better for the Rest Of Us

Mike Hickman
Doctor Funny
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2022


The Viral Tweets Seem to Believe the Woman Launching Into the Impromptu Comedy Routine in Front of the Cinema Crowd Was the Only One Embarrassing Herself

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For context, visit our old friend Mr Twitter for more (including video!):

You will have heard by now — it’s gone viral, of course you will
Of the woman who chose to unleash her comedy set
On the patrons of AMC Burbank 16 when the projector broke down.
You will by now have read the people tweeting back that they’d have
Thrown up from second-hand embarrassment
Had they been there.
Even as they’re right now watching and captioning the clips
And laughing that this woman’s a single mom
And she believes in Buddha
And she’s been going through depression
And —
Enough already.
Leave her be.
No, really.
I don’t care why she got up there.
I mean, we all know how stressful it is when there’s a breakdown
And we don’t know how how long it’s going to be
Before normal service is resumed.
We now how stressful it is when the projector won’t start, too.
And we’ve all had our moments when we’ve done
The very first thing that came to mind to cope with the lights having gone down
When there’s nothing up there to see.
Are we really going to blame her?
When we consider what we’ve done?
Particularly when — look, I’ll go first, and you see what I mean:

When I was five years old,
I was so bored I drew in crayon on the back of my best friend’s shirt.
Like that wouldn’t be obvious the moment he moved.
Or when he was picked up at the end of the school day.
Like I wasn’t the only kid in the class who had the crayons out that afternoon.
Like I hadn’t signed my own name to the artwork.

But there’s this woman at AMC Burbank 16 who stood up to give an impromptu comedy act.
And now she’s all over the internet.
Oh, how we laugh.

When I was ten years old,
I was so green about the way dodgems work,
That I sat there and got slammed to buggery by every other car,
Because I’d no idea that you need to apply your foot to the pedal,
And it would be a good few years
Before I realised that I’d done anything wrong.

But there’s this woman at AMC Burbank 16 who stood up to give an impromptu comedy act.
And now she’s all over the internet.
Oh, how we laugh.

You getting the idea yet?

When I was twelve years old,
I ran so early in the relay race,
I nearly killed Billy Gelenhuys trying to come up behind me with the baton,
And so the bastard PE teacher made me run the whole thing again on my own.
In front of the whole year group.

But there’s this woman at the AMC Burbank 16 who stood up to give an impromptu comedy act.
And now she’s all over the internet.
Oh, how we laugh.

Don’t you dare criticise her, even if you don’t find her funny.
She’s doing us all a service.
Held up against our own humiliations,
And not just the ones we could already write down,
But the many more we know are to come.

Frankly, I know, if it were me, I’d count myself lucky
Just to lose my shit in front of the crowd in AMC Burbank 16.
For that to be my “all hell broke loose” moment.
Damn it, if I thought I was going to get off that lightly,
I’d start compiling my set right now.

Now, about those dodgems…



Mike Hickman
Doctor Funny

Mike Hickman ( is from York, England. Words in Red Fez, Little Old Lady Comedy, Doctor Funny, The Haven, Sledgehammer & many more