An Exclusive Interview of an Iranian Therapist Treating Women With “Anti-Family Personality Disorder”

An Al Jazzier exclusive on a groundbreaking mental health clinic in Tehran, never disclosed outside Iran

Nikos Skordilis
Doctor Funny
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2023


Young AI generated Iranian woman wearing a hijab and looking at the camera lens.
Actress Afsaneh Bayegan, as seen by NightCafé Creator and author, considering her life choices and her unnaturally flexible fingers

A global exclusive by Aref Taslimi.

A court in Tehran condemned prominent Iranian actress Afsaneh Bayegan to two years in prison for wearing provocative western underwear in her bedroom*. Her nosy neighbor ratted her out.

They suspended her sentence but ordered her to “make weekly visits to a mental health clinic to treat the mental disorder of having an anti-family personality.”**

As an investigative journalist with a psychology background this jumped out on me. So I oiled a few palms and secured an exclusive interview with the clinic’s lead psychiatrist, Professor Delshad Motahhari.

Taslimi: Thank you for clearing your busy schedule to see me Professor.

Professor Motahhari: Thank you for flying from Qatar Mr Taslimi. I was delighted to receive your interview request. I’m eager to let the world know about my work.



Nikos Skordilis
Doctor Funny

Curious Top 0.1% content creator trying to gain a more beautiful mind and a lighter heart via his words and visuals.