Choking Hazard

What you eat could kill you

Rick Post
Doctor Funny


Image by un-perfekt from Pixabay

“What the hell is that?”

Why does everyone have to gather around and try to identify what you choked on?

“My parents had wallpaper that color.”

“Is it…moving?”

It might have been that interesting bug I saw. And ate.

It could have been that free sample of sushi I had at the gas station.

Maybe it was that dog biscuit I tried just to see what it tasted like.

It might just be a loogie.

Wouldn’t it be ironic to be saved from choking only to die from embarrassment at what you choked on?



Rick Post
Doctor Funny

Contributor to the Summit Daily newspaper, Slackjaw, The Haven, The Junction, MuddyUm, and ILLUMINATION.