Creative Ways For Aging Men To Persuade Their Partners To Have Sex

Don’t grow old without it

Thomas Pease
Doctor Funny


Perhaps now that the kids have moved out? (Photo attribute, Freepik.com)
  • I need to exercise my prostate to keep it healthy. It’s all about remaining cancer-free.
  • It’s natural to have more sex as we age. In nature, it’s known as an extinction burst, the instinct to preserve the species.
  • The average life expectancy is 78. I’m 60. That means you only have 6,570 more nights to have sex with me.
  • Sex keeps the appendage functional. What do you mean, let’s not? Explain.
  • The dog is demanding the couch, so I have nowhere else to sleep.
  • It’s healthier to fall asleep after a workout than after a big meal.
  • Our doctor prescribed regular activity to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. No, going for a walk together does not produce the same benefits.
  • It exercises the core without having to do planks.
  • Sex will give purpose to your yoga practice.
  • It could pre-empt the onset of one of your headaches.
  • It’s cheaper than a restaurant.
  • What else are we going to do in bed, Sudoku?
  • Weren’t you just going to lie back and close your eyes anyway?
  • I might pause my fantasy football league.
  • We no longer have to stop to put on a condom. But we might need to stop if my heart monitor goes off.
  • We no longer have to be quiet because of the kids. But if we’re too loud, the caregiver might think we need assistance.
  • This way, K-Y doesn’t always have to be a question demanding further explanation.
  • When we communicate through sex, my selective hearing disappears.
  • There’s no longer any chance I’ll ask if we can go a second time.
  • Flannel jammies can remain on.
  • Compression socks cover my sharp toenails.
  • It feels way better than a catheter insertion.
  • Thrusting isn’t a possibility; I risk dislocating my artificial hip.
  • Slow and gentle so we don’t knock the prescription bottles off the headboard.
  • Don’t worry. We don’t need to go there. That’s only for suppositories now.
  • We now have grab bars in the shower.
  • If the incontinence meds don’t work, we can pretend we’re still young and call it a golden shower.
  • I think we last had sex on my 57th birthday. By the way, I turn 61 tomorrow.
  • I love you. Still.



Thomas Pease
Doctor Funny

Thomas is a retired English teacher who uses humor to highlight society’s foibles. Sometimes he’s viewed as funny, sometimes as a smart-ass.