Do Any Smart People Support Trump?

Or are all his MAGAts toothless knuckle-dragging pinheads?

Michael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier) 😬
Doctor Funny
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2024


Who me? Photo by Karl Ibri on Unsplash

I get the MAGA politicians and Republiqans.

They have to do what they have to do — by sucking up to the Rotten Rabble-Rouser — to get elected. Their behavior is understandable — immoral and unethical — but still explicable.

But how about the rest of the population, the roused rabble that supports the Malevolent Mango? Do any of them believe what they’re saying in support of the dude? And more to the point, do any of them have coherent thoughts in their heads?

Before launching into that one, here’s a demo of the typical Tangerine Turd supporter’s so-called thought process.

Now on to the smart citizens who salute Hair Fuhrer.

💣 Dr. Dingleberry

Doctors are smart … right?

Q: What do you call the person who graduated at the very bottom of their med school class?



Michael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier) 😬
Doctor Funny

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