Amusing Aliens are among us!

Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Alien Ambassador?

Funny, Comical, Aliens from space, not the other kind.

Lela Cargill
Doctor Funny
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2024


Aliens land on Earth — Canva Pro Image
Funny and Dark Aliens landing on Earth. Take me to your ambassadorCanva Pro Image

Unoosa (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs)

U noo what? Yes! I’m talking about the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs! Even though you have never heard of this high-paying six-figure gig, the Unoosa has funds for an “Alien Life Ambassador.” I’m sure the application process involves probing of some kind. After that, think of the good you can do for our planet! We need a peace-loving but strong person to be the first to meet and greet an alien spaceship.

Skills Needed

  • Can you talk to non-humans such as dogs, cats, orangutans, or fish? Can they talk back to you?
  • Do you secretly want to fire laser beams at a certain ex-president felon? That should light up his ridiculous orange hair!
  • Can you negotiate with India to recycle more garbage from the rest of the Earth?
  • Can you build a whimsical spreadsheet to record funny alien species, notes, facts, and figures?
  • Are you easily excitable? This might knock you out of the running, though. You must remain calm



Lela Cargill
Doctor Funny

Lela is a Medical Laboratory Scientist with a BA in Journalism from SHSU, Retired and Writing. Join my Infinite Universe!. Please enable your sarcasm font!