Doctor Funny Humpday Checkup

April 27, 2022

Kristine Laco
Doctor Funny


Good Morning Interns,

The editorial team at Doctor Funny has news.

May is National Embarrassing Medical Moments Month!

And, if you think we are making that up, Google it. No, don’t. You’re right, we’re making that up to offer as a writing prompt for May.

But your prompt responses will be nothing but truthful, or fictional.

That’s right. Tell us about the time you had a shampoo bottle in your anus ‘by accident.’ What about the time you broke your toe doing a Richard Simmons VHS workout. Or remember when you raced to the ER because you thought you were covered in squirrels? That was a fun trip *wink*.

You mean Doctor Funny wants to hear about my mammogram?

Bet your squishy tits we do.

Does Doctor Funny want to know about my foot fungus?

Fungus is funny! Hell yeah. Send it!

Birth story! Birth story! Birth story! Finally someone who wants to hear my birth story!

Um. Maybe? You sound pretty pumped about it and you clearly survived, so I’m gonna say, sure. As long as the baby was born with a tail, or you squeezed your partner’s hand so hard, it fell off at the wrist. You know, the funny stuff.



Kristine Laco
Doctor Funny

My middle finger is my favorite. Satire is my jam. Don’t follow if Laco-intolerant. BE COOL--SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER