June Newsletter ya’ll

Doctor Funny’s Looney Juney Newsey Letter

If you love July, come back next month.

Adam Robinson
Doctor Funny


When you’ve got no time to type the letter “E” — Photo: Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

May has been and gone like my waitress when she said she’d be right back with my mayo.

You all wrote like your life depended on it! Which is why you’re all now dead.

The DF award for May’s best ruining Mother’s Day article goes to Oscar Rhea

Our new intern Roz Warren, Writing Coach got in on the action too with her hatred of swimmers:

And not to mention some cheeky snaps by Paul Lander

Get to dee keyboard

Now to June — we’ve got a prompt all about Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Could you be the one to get Arnie’s attention with your witty article about him being Austrian and on steroids? Do it! Earn $1.52 and have a great time doing it too!

Update on Burger Boy

Michael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier) 😬 is away on a Chinese game show aiming to win enough money to get a ticket home. I’m sure he’ll be back soon.

That’s ya lot for now junior Docs — write funny and make Medium chuckle.

AR and Chinese Michael out ❤



Adam Robinson
Doctor Funny

Writer with a focus on stuff…and things. Doctor Funny editor and passionate lover.