Doctors Petition to Ban the Internet, but Does Dr. Google Really Kill or Are Docs Just Sore Losers?

Protesting Docs Slogan ‘Don’t Be A Dick See A Doc’ causing controversy on Twitter

Doran Lamb
Doctor Funny


graffiti on a wall
Shocking vandalism by disgruntled doctors in Islington. Image created with Canva.

Extraordinary scenes today as thousands of moaning medics gathered upon central London demanding that all health websites be banned. Disturbingly some of them dressed up as the Google logo and then poured what appeared to be buckets of animal guts all over themselves whilst chanting FUCK YOU GOOGLE. These desperate docs claim that self-diagnosis and self-treatment from the internet are taking innocent lives every day.

We got down and dirty and spoke to some of the crazy medics.

Rupert, a GP from Slough claimed that just in the last week he’d had 6 patients who had treated fungal toe with neat toilet disinfectant.

‘It’s quite frightening really, people really need to see a doctor instead of using dangerous and unsuitable treatments they find online, I mean what do they think we went to fucking medical school for for 6 years? Just to trap ourselves under a lifetime of debt, whilst they fix their fungal infections themselves? The general public quite frankly does not understand quite how dangerous fungal toe infections can be. I mean you can lose a toe, potentially a limb…



Doran Lamb
Doctor Funny

Top Writer in Mental Health + Psychology + Love. Acute observer of the stigma surrounding mental health and addiction.