Electile Dysfunction 2024

Donald J. Trump, Amazon Top Reviewer

Your favorite president reviews your favorite products

Jeffrey Harvey
Doctor Funny
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2024


Rough draft from the helm of the presidential penman-ship. Image from Wikimedia Commons

Your favorite president is bigly mad.

Amid all the hullabaloo over North Dakota Governor, Republican vice presidential hopeful, and aspiring Guns and Ammo spokesmodel Kristi Noem’s poetic waxings on the joys of shooting a spirited puppy named Cricket, a far more important revelation was missed.

Between criminal court proceedings, civil court proceedings, and cap-locked social media posting, Trump somehow found time to write a glowing review of No Going Back, Noem’s new book containing the theriocide soliloquies. (Apparently political progress begins with a snub nose to Rover’s head.) The fake media’s apathy toward Trump’s endorsement is simply the latest affront in a tragic pattern of disrespect directed at America’s most unprecedented president.

Screenshot by author. Image from Amazon.com

Time and again, Trump has fearlessly achieved the unthinkable — two impeachments, modern history’s first insurrection, the design and construction of humanity’s most elaborate hair configuration. Yet, his generous advocacy for Noem’s…

