Delayed prompt response

Goats: The Musical

A review

Patrick Eades
Doctor Funny
Published in
4 min readApr 24, 2023


One of the performers method acting at the park across the road. Photo by Sharon Carr on Unsplash

I’m not normally a theatre goer.

Especially not a musical theatre goer. But Adam Robinson insisted I go and review some musical about goats for Doctor Funny. He claims it is for the ‘monthly prompt,’ but I reckon he just wants to know if the audience members are suitably unhinged enough that he might be able to pick up.

So last Tuesday I strolled down to my local community theatre: The Westie Broads, for the matinee showing of Goats: The Musical.

Established in late 2021 during the heart of the COVID lockdowns in Australia, The Westie Broads were formed by Directors Iva Van Fulladrugs and Lissa Taykem-Now.

Iva recently graduated from the Sydney Private School of Pretentious Pissheads, and Lissa was an alumnus of Ponzi Park Penitentiary, where she completed a Bachelor of Creative Farts.

Lissa claims the creative vision for Goats: The Musical was conceived during a late-night farming mishap in the Penitentiary’s community garden.

I managed to interview Iva and Lissa briefly before the performance.

Me: The Reviewer (Rev): I have to address the elephant in the room, is this show a rip-off of Cats?



Patrick Eades
Doctor Funny

Writer who likes to make people laugh and think. Or at least think about laughing. Loves all animals and most humans.