Haunted Kisses From Beyond The Grave

Turns out, my grandma is a freak, and it’s scaring me

Kyle Mann
Doctor Funny
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2023


A creepy grave
My grandma’s creepy grave ©Kyle Mann via

Growing up, like most people, I had an ordinary grandmother. She was warm, loving, and full of life.

She was completely normal except for one small thing. She had a sense of humor so twisted she could make a chiropractor jealous.

But it’s been almost 2 years since she passed away, and now something strange has started happening.

The Beginning

It all started about a week ago. I was sitting on the couch, watching TV, when I felt a light brush against the back of my neck. It felt like a soft, cool breeze, barely noticeable at first.

I turned around to see what had caused it, but no one was there. A little puzzled, I brushed it off as my imagination playing tricks on me.

The next day, I was in the kitchen, making a sandwich, when I felt it again — that same chilling sensation on the back of my neck.

This time, it felt more like a freakishly weird set of lips puckering against the back of my neck. It seemed almost unnatural, as if they were crafted from an otherworldly material.

