Hey Guys, A Bikini-Clad Woman from Twitter Followed Me

First my dental hygienist, now this hot twitter babe

Christopher Robin
Doctor Funny


A candid photo of Brittany. Probably. Photo by Lauren Richmond on Unsplash

Can you imagine my luck? Sometimes you’re just a hot commodity. You can go through years of your life feeling like a worthless, unlovable piece of shit, then suddenly you find The One.

That being said, this isn’t my first rodeo at being lusted after. My dental hygienist gave me all the green lights when she seductively pulled my lips back to access my swollen periodontals.

The hygienist and I danced the dance for almost an hour. It was fun and playful, but not serious. It was more of a fling.

She then did something no hygienist had ever done for me before. She grabbed a strip of cloth and told me to stick out my tongue. Ooh, how kinky! So I stuck my tongue out and she wrapped the little cloth around it and pulled it all around. Just like a penis, the tongue is hard to control even if you’re its owner. She manipulated it to her desire, and then released it playfully. — Source

Today there is a new layer of complexity to my love life, as this woman from Twitter has followed me to Medium. She tells me she’s willing to give me anything my heart desires.

So I wanted you to know I’ll be leaving my wife because a woman subscribed to get my stories



Christopher Robin
Doctor Funny

Not like the other girls. Recovering alcoholic, humorist, contemplatist, essayist, averagest, editor of my own reality.