How Annoying Am I?


Mark Eric Cohen
Doctor Funny


These two little letters became the bane of my existence (Circa 2022) Photo by Lukas Baumann on Unsplash

When did a question followed by the prompt,Go” become a thing?

Best burger? Go!

Who’s a good roofer? Go!

Shag or regular carpet? Go!

Should the carpet match the drapes? Go!

We’ve all seen it, whether you spend a minute, hundreds of minutes a week or if you’re like me a 100 hours a day on social media.

Honestly, have we gotten so lazy that this is now considered an acceptable form of communicating, or worse, somehow it passes as being erudite? Go!

Is using the word erudite pretentious? Go!

We want answers but aren’t willing to do the work to get them.

Will you spend your time and do my work for me? Go!

When did we become so pathetic that this turned into something? Go!

Ugh. Fuck. No. Go!

If it’s on a coffee mug it’s a real thing. Go! mugs will sadly be next. Photo by Madalyn Cox on Unsplash

Where the hell would we be if people pre-social media behaved this way? Go!

Einstein: The best Theory of Relativity? Go!

JFK: What can your country do for you? Go!

Travis Bickle: You lookin’ at me? Go!

Maya Angelou: Does the Caged Bird Sing? Go!

The Clash: Should I stay or should I. Go!

Jean Paul-Sartre: Do we have free will? Go!

YES. We have the free will to stop asking questions followed by the word Go.

Don’t you agree? Go!

Thank you Michael Burg for your erudite editing.



Mark Eric Cohen
Doctor Funny

Mark Eric Cohen is an American writer of short humorous-but sometimes just sad fiction. In a previous incarnation he was M.e. Cohen, a political cartoonist.