War is stupid

If Women Ruled the World There’d Be No Wars

Guys, you’ve had your chance

Suzanne Pisano
Doctor Funny


We need more women driving the bus. Photo by Vasilios Muselimis on Unsplash

Gonna make a sweeping generalization here: Most women are not murderous, power-hungry assholes. If you think about it, it’s generally men who are invading other countries and starting wars.

Even if you DON’T think about it, it’s generally men who are invading other countries and starting wars.

I think we can all agree that world peace would be nice, and in my opinion, far more likely with women at the helm of most countries. So why aren’t there more women at the top?

Could it be…I don’t know…misogyny? All things being equal (which they’re not, but just imagine it for the sake of argument), qualities that people admire in men — strength, candor and ambition — are perceived as contemptible in women.

But are those the only leadership qualities we value? What about benevolence…and empathy?

No woman wants her son, daughter, niece or nephew being sent into harm’s way to carry out the egomaniacal agenda of some despotic nutcase. (Looking at you, Putin.) By the same token, it’s unlikely that a female leader would attempt a unilateral power-grab and send her or her constituents’ loved ones into the hellacious hellscape of war. Especially the young ones with their whole lives ahead of them.

If women ran the show, conflicts would be resolved peacefully, i.e., by talking to one another. Perhaps over brunch, where the only “blood” spilled would be in the making of everyone’s favorite Sunday-morning cocktail.

“You can keep Crimea, I have all the territory I can handle. Let’s order some Bloody Marys.”

And pissing contests would be relegated to the public urinals, where they belong, and replaced by lively book club discussions. “Have you read China’s latest? What do you think of the plot/theme/character development?”

If you’ve ever been to a PTA meeting, you know that women know how to get shit done — without bloodshed. They can organize circles around the men, raising money for “luxury” educational initiatives like school music programs and providing a forum for discussion when uptight parents get up-in-arms about the availability of certain books in the school library.

Now, these are not the Dark Ages (are they?). There are smart women at all levels of government, and most of them are making us proud. (A select few are embarrassing the fuck out of us — looking at you, Reps. MTG and Boebert.) No, I’m talking about the need for women at the tippy top, e.g., presidents and prime ministers, where the buck stops. And not just the odd one here or there.

Of course women are human, and capable of anger and hostility. Especially when their loved ones are threatened. But rather than physically attack their rivals, women are more likely to hash it out verbally. Though it’s possible that on the rare occasion we’d have countries talking behind other countries’ backs. “Can you believe what France did? The nerve!”

But even if things come to a head, and direct communication leads to angry confrontation, no one’s ever been killed or permanently disabled by an explosive outburst or a rapier-like, well-aimed barb.

Sticks and stones and AK-47s and IEDs may break our bones and cause grave bodily injury and death, but words will never hurt us.

It’s time to let the women on this planet run things.



Suzanne Pisano
Doctor Funny

Writer. Singer. Jersey girl. Personal essays and poetry. Humor when the mood strikes. Editor for The Memoirist and Age of Empathy.