Killer Says Victim Did Not Light Up A Room

A crime and a confession

Kristen Stark
Doctor Funny


Good Ol’ Jerry! Photo by RODNAE Productions. Pexels

Meena Malik here. On this episode of Killers Behind Bars, I sit down with Jerry T. Chesterfield to learn about his heinous crime and unique confession.

Meena: Jerry, you murdered Krystal Lore in her home. You covered your tracks well, and the police essentially gave up. Your case turned cold. And yet, you confessed. Can you walk us through what happened?

Jerry: So I was stalkin’ this lady for a long time. I’m talkin’ months and months. Book club meetings, the office, grocery stores. Wherever dis broad went, I followed. You hear me?

Meena: Yes, I hear you. Can you tell us why you were following her?

Jerry: That’s kinda my thing. I pick a chick who seems a bit off and I just follow her until I snap and start choking.

Meena: So you followed Krystal into her home and strangled her.

Jerry: Bingo.

Meena: You got away with it for a long time. Why confess?

Jerry: Well, about a year or so after I killed her, this crime documentary came out on Netflix. I said, “Holy smokes! Dats the broad!” It was exciting, at first, to see my work. But then I realized the people they interviewed were full of shit.

Meena: In what way were they “full of shit”?

Jerry: The producer had a ton of the broad’s family, friends, and coworkers talk about her. They all cried. And every single one said, “Krystal lit up a room.”

Meena: Why did that upset you?

Jerry: That lady did NOT light up a friggen room!! I should know. I followed her every single day for months. If anything, her presence ruined the room! Let me explain.

Example 1

Jerry: So, one night, she went to her little book club at her friend Sara’s house.

Before she got there, the other gals were smiling and chatting. When Krystal walked in, she goes “What’s up, hags? Damn, it’s only been a month but you’ve all aged like it’s been 7 years. Christ, do you even moisturize?” I think she was trying to be funny, but no one laughed. It was hard to watch, even from Sara’s hall closet.

Meena: Interesting.

Example 2

Jerry: Yeah and at the office, she was worse.

Every time someone handed her a document, she’d go “Oh, this looks very important. I’d better file it right away.” Then she’d put it in the trash can while the coworker watched. She’d laugh until she couldn’t breathe. The coworkers always walked away looking confused. I’d just shake my head as I crouched behind the water cooler.

Meena: I see what you mean.

Example 3

Jerry: Oh, and at the grocery store? She was a freakin’ psycho.

She’d look in people’s carts and comment on their food. Like “Ooh, looks like spaghetti night. Hey, it’s a me, Mario!” or “Shake N Bake? What is this, 1987?” and who could forget “Ah, frozen corn. The lazy man’s side dish.” Shit like that. I would cringe from behind the Doritos display.

Meena: Jesus.

Jerry: See? You get it.

Meena: I do. In your months of stalking, did you witness any behavior that could be considered “lighting up a room”?

Jerry: No. Never. She literally lit up a room one time, though...

Example 4

Jerry: She got drunk at her nephew’s birthday party. She dropped the lit cake onto the cat and his fur started to flame up. The kitty freaked out and ran up the curtains which were really fuckin’ flammable. Everyone was screamin’. She just slurred the Happy Birthday song while the guests ran.

I broke stalker protocol by leaving my spot outside the kitchen window. I grabbed the garden hose and came in blastin’ like Rambo. That fire was out in 3 seconds, flat.

Meena: You’re kind of a hero, Jerry. Did anyone wonder who you were?

Jerry: Nah, I just said I was the Amazon guy. You know, just passin’ through.

The End of Krystal

Meena: So when did your stalking of Krystal end?

Jerry: I killed her a few days after the fire. I got tired of watching all of her bullshit. It was impacting my mental health.

Meena: Yes. Self-care is so important.

Jerry: Amen, Meena. So, as you can see, all of this led me to confess. I couldn’t take it anymore. I told the cops Krystal was a nightmare. And listen… sure, some people probably “light up a room.” But not that woman!

Meena: Right. You may be a cold-blooded killer…

Jerry: But I ain’t no liar.

Krystal Lore is an unholy mashup of Krystal and Raine Lore. Horrifying… I know. They do NOT light up a room. Just look at their disturbing filth!


Raine Lore:

And, finally, Randy Pulley shares my disdain for the phrase, “lights up a room.” Our comments prompted me to finally pull this story out of my notebook and finish it. Thanks, Randy!

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Kristen Stark
Doctor Funny

I write humor and I say things like "Geeze Louise." I know, too much fun!