No Introduction Needed

One of His Balls Stressed Me Out

A True Micro Story

Shirley Laffa
Doctor Funny
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2024


Up, up, and away! Photo by Kevin Mueller on Unsplash

It was unintentional.

The facilitator at the work seminar I attended announced we’d each be introducing ourselves. His overly enthusiastic (phony-baloney) corporate voice dictated we form a circle. Uh-oh.

He followed with instructions on how he’d get the ball rolling by throwing the fluorescent one he was palming to one of us. That person would tell everyone a little something about themselves, and toss it to the next poor soul.

I felt like throwing up.

Luckily, I was the closest one to him (an arms-length away), so he couldn’t possibly throw it my way first. I reasoned logically.

To avoid the inevitable though, unlike everyone else whose mouths were reflexively forming impromptu presentations in terrified preparation, I planned my escape to the restroom.

I shall get all tongue-tied “sharing” and I also can’t…

As I picked the squishy off the floor he had tossed to ME first — from a foot away, I began.

“I’m Shirley Laffa. I can’t catch. And I also can’t throw.”



Shirley Laffa
Doctor Funny

Top Writer in Humor, Life Lessons - sharing funny true stories/what I’ve learned from mistakes. My book: Twitter: @shirley_laffa