
PETA Now Calls Tofu “Inhumane” After Finding Its REAL Source

New rules may need to be put in place after this shocking discovery that left PETA researchers in tears.

Corbbin Goldsmith
Doctor Funny
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2024


A harrowing photo of a tofu worker putting wild tofu to death — LeonardoAI

In a stunning revelation that has sent shockwaves through the vegan community, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has declared tofu, a long-time staple of animal-free diets, as “inhumane” and “cruel.” The announcement comes after a PETA investigation uncovered the shocking truth about the origin of this seemingly innocent food.

“We’ve been lied to for years!” said PETA spokesperson Tempeh Goodman, visibly upset. “Tofu doesn’t come from soybeans as we’ve been led to believe. It actually comes from a helpless creature known as the ‘tofu.’”

According to PETA’s findings, the tofu animal, scientifically known as “Tofus delicatus,” is a large, docile creature native to remote regions of Japan. For centuries, rural Japanese hunters have been tracking down and harvesting these gentle beings for their precious tofu meat.

A hunter in the wild chasing after a wild tofu. — LeonardoAI



Corbbin Goldsmith
Doctor Funny

I drink water and eat food, and I can tie my shoes on my own.