Seven Essential Survival Skills in the Writer’s Tool Box

Because that’s all J.K. Rowling needs

Freeman Scott
Doctor Funny
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2022


Photo by Kingkongphoto & www.celebrity-photos.com on Wikimedia Commons

It’s often said the difference between writers and those who just say they’re writers is that writers write.

True enough. But the differences don’t stop there.

Writers who write also have honed seven other critical skills distinguishing them from the pretenders.

Master these and you’ll be on your way to becoming the writer that even in your wildest fantasies you never dreamed you could be.


Financial security? Social life? Flattering wardrobe?

No thank you, says the writer.

Instead, the writer opts for poverty, isolation and self-loathing, the craft’s lifeblood.

Most well-adjusted non-creatives can’t understand that. They’re sadly deluded, believing that a person can be a healthy and productive member of society and still create meaningful art.

Fortunately, your friends and peers will tire of trying to convert you to their hedonistic ways as they marry, buy homes and start families, after which they’ll passive aggressively abandon you to your private chaos.

