Smartest Chickens In The World

The Great Chicken Caper: Poultry-tastic News

Rise Of The Great Chicken Caper

Edwin J. Gasque
Doctor Funny
Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2023


Chicken Gang Photo by Zachariah Smith on Unsplash

The Great Chicken Caper

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ‘round, for I have a tale of feathers, clucks, and uproarious laughs that recently unfolded in the news — The Great Chicken Caper! Picture this: a band of daring chickens, yes, you heard me right, chickens, staging a coup of epic proportions! Now, prepare yourselves to squawk with laughter as we delve into this poultry-tastic adventure!

It all started in a quiet little town, where a local farmer noticed something amiss in his coop. He counted his chickens, one, two, three... Hold on a second; where was chicken number four? Panic set in, and he scurried around, clucking like a hen with her feathers on fire. I mean, let’s be honest, we’ve all seen that image in cartoons, haven’t we? But wait, there’s more! It turns out, this was no ordinary chicken! This feathered bandit was a self-proclaimed mastermind with a taste for mischief. The elusive chicken left a note behind, written in perfect chicken scratch — “Bwawk, bwawk, bwawk, I’m just winging it!”

Now, I don’t know about you, but a chicken leaving a note like that is already funnier than a penguin in tap shoes! But the hilarity didn’t stop there. This cunning fowl went by the name “The Clandestine Clucker.” Oh yes, folks, this chicken had a name! Move over, James Bond, we’ve got a new spy in town, and he’s covered in feathers.

The townsfolk were both baffled and amused, wondering how this clucky mastermind managed to outwit them all. They established an emergency Chicken Intelligence Agency (CIA), led by Agent Eggbert, a tough-guy rooster who had seen it all. Picture a chicken in a trench coat and sunglasses, interrogating other chickens with a stern cluck and a raised wing.

The Great Chicken Caper by Edwin J. Gasque in

The Rubber Ducky Drone

In a stroke of pure genius, they employed a spy drone disguised as a rubber ducky to keep an eye on the coop. Yes, you heard that right — a rubber ducky drone! But this was no ordinary rubber ducky; it was equipped with cutting-edge chicken surveillance technology, capturing every feathered move and beak scratch. The town was abuzz with rumors and theories about The Clandestine Clucker. Some speculated he was on a quest to find the mythical “Egg of Destiny,” while others believed he was merely protesting against the oppressive reign of the local roosters. A revolution of fowl proportions, you might say!

As days turned into weeks, The Clandestine Clucker’s daring escapades continued, leaving the town in stitches and the farmers scratching their heads. The news of this poultry caper spread like wildfire, and soon people from all over the world were flocking to the town to catch a glimpse of the legendary chicken. Tourists started wearing chicken hats and clucking instead of speaking. Chicken-themed merchandise flew off the shelves like, well, chickens taking flight. The town embraced its newfound fame, hosting Clucker-themed festivals and egg-straordinary parades.

But just as the mystery of The Clandestine Clucker seemed destined to remain unsolved, a breakthrough came. As it turns out, our wily chicken mastermind was not alone; he had a whole coop of accomplices! Picture a chicken mafia, plotting heists, and hatching schemes, all while trying to keep a low profile. I guess you could say they were “eggs-pert” in undercover operations.

Angry Clucker Photo by Jairo Alzate on Unsplash

In the end, The Clandestine Clucker and his feathered gang became legendary figures, forever immortalized in the town’s history. Their antics became bedtime stories for children and jokes around dinner tables.

And so, dear readers, The Great Chicken Caper came to a close, leaving us with a legacy of laughter and a reminder that even in the most unexpected places, there is joy to be found. So, next time you hear a cluck or see a chicken crossing the road, remember the legend of The Clandestine Clucker and let out a chuckle. After all, in a world full of serious news, a little poultry-tastic humor can go a long way!

Cue the chicken dance music and clucking applause



Edwin J. Gasque
Doctor Funny

"Two steps forward to every one step back..." -P.W. Making dreams a reality. That is why I have started an account on medium.